Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Enviaments recents
Ara mostrant els elements 961-980 de 1149
Caminhos pela igualdade: Projecte d'intervenció socioeducativa per treballar el masclisme
(2019-06-28)Aquest treball centra la mirada en el masclisme i tots els elements que el conformen, per tal de posteriorment, realitzar una proposta d'intervenció socioeducativa en el context de Brasil a través d'un ... -
Financial Analysis of the Luxury Hotel Segment in Spain
(2019-05)The hospitality industry is one of the most demanded and fast growing industries in twenty first century. Therefore, this study explores a current situation that exist in five star hotels, specifically ... -
Critical Success Factors for Start-up and Corporations Collaboration
(2019-05)This dissertation aims to find which are the critical success factors that determine whether a collaboration between a start-up and a corporation will be successful. Taking into account how technology ... -
Dark Tourism Attractiveness Scan Model: Towards a More Effective Development of a Destination
(2019-05)Death has always fascinated humans, perhaps because the fear of not being able to avoid it is as great as the desire to know what comes next. Driven by an innate awareness of one's deadly nature, people ... -
Analysis of attitude of new generations about wine tourism
(2019-05)Wine tourism is becoming an important part of tourism sector, as it a way to diversify touristic offer avoiding massification of main destinations while helping to the revitalization of rural areas. ... -
Mister Watson Vegan Catering
(2019-05)The objective of this project is to analyze the feasibility of the implementation of a vegan and sustainable catering company, with Catalonia as the area of activity. The commercial name of this company ... -
Key methodologies to develop the hospitality concept in undergraduate students
(2019-05)Nowadays, the tourism industry is one of the main sectors which provides more profits to cities such as Paris, Rome, New York, Hong Kong, Rio de Janeiro as well as Barcelona. This industry, is becoming ... -
Should the Employee Promise of Ritz Carlton Gold Standards be updated?
(2019-05)The Ritz Carlton Company is a worldwide leader in the hospitality industry that has been successful more than one hundred years thanks to their strong philosophy, based on their Gold Standards ... -
Tourists’ perceived risk of Barcelona as an international destination
(2019-05)This quantitative research enhances the understanding of the risk perception of international visitors while visiting Barcelona. To reach this aim a model has been suggested, which proposes that ... -
The factors that influence customer with disability experience in a hotel and its related emotional value outcome, an exploratory study
(2019-05)This study deals with the issue of hospitality offered to people with disability and their families, when staying in hotels. The purpose of this study is to do a deep analysis about what are the common ... -
Creation of a company: Travel2Meet Business Plan
(2019-05)In this academic paper, the feasibility, applicability on the market and profitability of the creation of Travel2Meet is going to be studied. The business plan is focused on a new trend in the tourism ... -
Family tourism in Salou
(2019-05)This study discusses the area of Family Tourism in Salou in order to improve the performance in the hospitality industry. The thesis is based on municipality of Salou using a descriptive research ... -
Accessible tourism for the visually impaired in Catalonia: improving the legal framework
(2018-12)This dissertation will help discover the barriers that people with visual impairment find when doing tourism. The researchers of the project found that there was a lack of acknowledgement of the blind ... -
Business plan: implementing and operating a new exclusive ecological hotel in Arbúcies (Girona). Peusaterra Eco & Rural Hotel
(2018-12)Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon and has become one of the most important business sectors all over the world, presenting a particular relevance for the economic development of a country. In ... -
Millennials' work values towards hospitality industry
(2018-11)Millennials represent an important percentage of the current and future workforce that companies from all the sectors continuously look for, being the case for the Tourism Sector and especially the ... -
Spanish Millennials affected by influencers' new trend in the tourism and hospitality sector
(2018-11)The purpose of this degree thesis is to analyse the power of the Spanish influencers on the tourism sector and how the companies are collaborating with them in order to grow and become more competitiv ... -
Current strategic function of social network sites in marketing: tourism companies
(2018-11)This research aims to analyse the current marketing strategic function of Social Networks Sites (SNS), such as Facebook or Twitter, particularly in the tourism sector. A profuse literature review on ... -
Analyze the accessibility for disabled people in Mountain Tourism
(2018-11)Tourism is an industry that is constantly growing and with it grows the awareness of people with special needs. Access to all the infrastructures that involves tourism is a right that all people have. In ... -
Dark tourism in Barcelona. Feasibility and proposals for routes and visits within the cementeries of the city
(2018-06)The aim of this paper is to shed light onto the Dark Tourism situation in Barcelona cemeteries. Dark Tourism is a tourism phenomenon, which revolves around people being drawn to attractions that have a ...