Should the Employee Promise of Ritz Carlton Gold Standards be updated?
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The Ritz Carlton Company is a worldwide leader in the hospitality industry that has been successful
more than one hundred years thanks to their strong philosophy, based on their Gold Standards that
includes: The Motto, The Credo, The Service Values and the most important for this thesis, The
Employee Promise. Without any doubt the success of this luxury brand comes from the employee
satisfaction and performance as a major determinant of the corporate culture of the property.But
should the Employee Promise of the Gold Standards be updated in order adapted their values and
beliefs to the current employees?
This paper explains the origins of the Ritz Carlton and beginnings of its philosophy, also talks about
the internal Marketing in 21st century hotel employee professional profile, defines the Company
Gold Standards, compares employee satisfaction with customer satisfaction and emphasize the
importance of employee engagement.
The researchers have supported their findings with a summary of the existing literature that covers
the mission, vision and values of The Ritz Carlton Company and connect their Golds Standards as a
guide tool to train their employees with guest satisfaction. Also, interviewed employees with
differents positions from line staff to managers that work or have been working in the company by
using questions related with the corporate values and faiths of the company, which clear
determinate the relationship between the employee satisfaction and the performance appraisal.
Gold standards still appear as strong philosophy nowadays for those employees that are recruited by
the company, minor changes seemed to be needed although the evolution of employees.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
93 p.
Tutor: Jorge Peralta
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