Millennials' work values towards hospitality industry
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Millennials represent an important percentage of the current and future workforce that
companies from all the sectors continuously look for, being the case for the Tourism Sector and
especially the Hospitality one. It has been proven that there is a real ignorance problem in the
Hospitality Industry on how to retain the young workforce that is currently entering the labour
market. This concern comes from different perspectives and needs from both sides, recruiters and
job aspirants, so the aim of this research is to provide to the hospitality companies with best practices
in order to satisfy the wanted students’ values when looking for a job in the Hospitality Industry.
To be able to reach the main research goal, the literature review based on academic articles has
been focused on three different pillars. First of all, the origin and precedence of the values concept
has been understood, followed by getting to know more about the Millennial generation
characteristics at the same time that analysing the generational changes. Lastly, the Hospitality
Industry characteristics from a human resources point of view and its current practices to retain their
employees have been studied as well.
The results from this study have been obtained thanks to the methodology used, the creation
of two interviews. Diverse opinions from students and human resources professionals have been
taken into account, and these have shown that there is a real gap between what Millennials are
looking for in their future workplaces and what are the companies actually offering them. In fact,
most of the hospitality companies are still using old practices or not even doing anything, without
adapting to the new generation that is defining itself as not committed to the companies and being
really demanding.
To conclude, after all the analysis of the interviews’ outcomes, this research offers suggestions,
recommendations and best practices to the Hospitality Companies, so that they can improve their
employee retention and commitment, thus reducing the organizations’ turnover.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
59 p.
Tutor: Itziar Ramírez
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