Spanish Millennials affected by influencers' new trend in the tourism and hospitality sector
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The purpose of this degree thesis is to analyse the power of the Spanish influencers on the tourism sector and how the companies are collaborating with them in order to grow and become more competitive.
Through the years it's been more and more clear the importance of implementing new technologies in the companies such as modern web pages or applications. Nowadays Social Media has reached remarkable significance when talking about the different marketing and promotional strategies for all sectors, including tourism and hospitality. It has become one of the best ways of advertising and one of the reasons that have caused the emergence of Influencers.
The theoretical part will be focused on social media marketing and the changes that have experimented during the years, including also the generations more affected by new trends. On the other hand, to support the research, some interviews and surveys have been done.
In this theses is analysed the impact of the influencers on the Spanish tourism sector in order to get a deeper view of the actual situation.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
58 p.
Tutor: Tugba Kalafatoglu
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