Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Recent submissions
Now showing items 981-1000 of 1149
Barcelona's citizens' attitudes towards tourism
(2018-11)The aim of this project is to find out Barcelona’s citizens attitudes towards tourism. In order to analyze and acknowledge the city’s inhabitants’ perspectives on the Travel and Tourism Industry, ... -
Business plan: the creation of an inclusive hostel
(2018-11)The purpose behind this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of a new and, most important, inclusive touristic concept build upon the needs, capacities and expectations of people with intellectual disabilities. ... -
Perspective of tourism companies in Barcelona of co-creative experiences
(2018-11)This study explores the phenomenon of co-creation and its interpretation by experience companies in the tourism industry. The aim of the research is to understand to which extent entreprises in the ... -
Work life balance at the hospitality industry
(2018-11)The hospitality industry is a growing and diversified sector whose most important resource - as in any other service industry - is people and thus, the management of human resources is a critical activity ... -
Business plan for a review platform about hospitality internships
(2018-11)This project will suggest a possible solution for a gap found in the hospitality sector. It has been researched that placements in hospitality degrees have a great relevance. However, a high number of ... -
Volunteer tourism products meeting the needs of the Millennial traveler
(2018-11)Volunteer tourism is an emerging trend growing fast among Millennials around the world. This project involves an insight of what volunteer tourism is, which are their main typologies as well as the ... -
Exploring the barriers and constraints of families travelling with children on the ASD: Proyecto Alas para el Autismo y Alojamiento
(2018-11)The past year 2016, the World Tourism Organization dedicated the year to work for a more accessible tourism for all. Consequently, we found important to understand the barriers and constraints that ... -
The Role of F.C. Barcelona in tourist image of Barcelona
(2018-11)The purpose of this study has been to find out what is the role of Football Club Barcelona in the formation of Barcelona’s image as a tourist destination by analyzing what is the behavior of the tourist ... -
Pet dog policies in 5-star hotels in Barcelona
(2018-11)The dissertation aims to research if pet dog policies are used as a marketing tool at the 5-star hotels, as it is a niche market that could potentially be catered for in the appearance that it is ... -
Are the LGBT Millennials Disrupting the Travel Industry as a New Niche Market of Their Own?
(2018-11)This research was conducted in order to acquire a better understand of LGBT Millennials’ travel behavior. The concept of Millennials’ distinctive and unique motivations in general are already well studied ... -
How is seasonality affecting rural accommodation in La Selva and how are they managing it?
(2018-11)The following research paper aims to identify how seasonality impacts rural accommodation in la Selva and to analyse how it is managed. The intention of the study is to develop a case study in la Selva ... -
The search of authenticity in the tourism experience an antithesis in the host-guest relationship
(2018-11)The purpose of this research is to understand tourism from a local perspective, conducting a deep analysis of cultural heritage and its authenticity. It is demonstrated that in tourism management, the ... -
Business plan of repositioning Ñaupa House Hostel
(2018-11)This document provides research and analysis in the hostel sector in Latin America and using Barcelona as benchmarking to identifying new products and markets opportunities within this sector. Also ... -
El camí de les persones refugiades
(2018-11-05)Durant tot el camí que fan les persones refugiades des de que marxen del seu país fins que arriben a un país d’acollida, passen per moltes situacions de risc i dificultats. Aquestes dificultats comencen ... -
L’organització comunitària i el treball de les desigualtats de gènere a la Comunitat Nuevo Horizonte
(2018-10-24)El següent estudi presenta l’anàlisi de l'organització comunitària de la Comunidad Nuevo Horizonte (Guatemala) i com aquesta ha generat una disminució en les desigualtats de gènere de la comunitat, fet ... -
Processos emocionals dels familiars davant el pacient terminal oncològic
(2018-10-25)Aquest estudi de recerca aplicada presenta els processos emocionals de les famílies davant la pèrdua per una malaltia terminal oncològica. Mitjançant l’ús de documentació fonamentada que manifesten els ... -
AUTEM. Desenvolupament d’una plataforma digital per posar en contacte voluntaris i organitzacions
(2018-10-25)El treball que es presenta a continuació s’emmarca dins de la modalitat de projecte d’emprenedoria social, per tant es una declaració formal d’una idea de negoci dins de l’àmbit social. Es pretén analitzar ... -
Activitats amb gossos i persones en consum actiu de tòxics
(2018-10-27)Les intervencions assistides amb gossos cada vegada agafen més força i més sentit dintre de les societats, per tots els beneficis que aquestes aporten a diferents col·lectius i pel seu component terapèutic ... -
Educant-nos per promoure la igualtat
(2018-10-26)Aquesta escola de criança compartida anomenada “Educant-nos per promoure la igualtat; tracta d’un projecte pilot educatiu que té una durada de 6 mesos relacionat amb pedagogies innovadores vives i ...