Financial Analysis of the Luxury Hotel Segment in Spain
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The hospitality industry is one of the most demanded and fast growing industries in twenty first century. Therefore, this study explores a current situation that exist in five star hotels, specifically the differences between such a hotels, their financial performance and their commitment to provide the best service and experience to the guests.
This paper reviews some specific luxury hotels that are based in Spain. The hotels studied were selected in accordance to characteristics established. The research is mainly based on the financial analysis of the performance of each of the hotel as there is a need to see how it affects them, so for that reason the financial material that were gathered is during the period of time from 7 to 10 years.
Information that were processed were token from different sources, reports, books etc. In order to get the accurate financial data. One of the mainly used tool that was needed is called “Sabi” that contain the information about the balance sheets of the companies.
Limitations of this study has been suggested and discussed, as well as some recommendations mentioned that could be valuable for the enterprises for the comparison between the hotels. Also, it could be helpful for the further developments of the topic.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
94 p.
Tutor: Hubert Augusto Joo Kitano
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