Business plan: implementing and operating a new exclusive ecological hotel in Arbúcies (Girona). Peusaterra Eco & Rural Hotel
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Tourism is a multidimensional phenomenon and has become one of the most important business sectors all over the world, presenting a particular relevance for the economic development of a country. In recent years, the interest in sustainable and eco-friendly initiatives has increase dramatically due to the growing concern to protect the tourism sector and society as a whole, from the negative use of natural resources and severe on the economy, society and environment, caused by the development of mass tourism in third world countries. The aim of this research paper consists on a business plan for the creation of a 100% ecological and rural hotel with private deluxe cabins by renting and rehabilitating a previously established “masia” with extensive land located within the Catalonian natural environment, in the village of Arbúcies, Girona. The objective of this project is based on the local preservation and regional identity, the sustainable use of natural resources and the valuation of its local products, thus enhancing the eco and rural tourism in the region of Girona. Peusaterra Eco & Rural Hotel will seek to provide its customers with exclusive, unique, and creative experiences, accompanied by incredibly rich natural atmosphere and practices that are in favor of health as well as the use of the location’s ecosystems under a high degree of economic, social and environmental responsibility above recreation
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
122 p.
Tutor: Fede Prats
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