Current strategic function of social network sites in marketing: tourism companies
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This research aims to analyse the current marketing strategic function of Social Networks Sites (SNS),
such as Facebook or Twitter, particularly in the tourism sector. A profuse literature review on SNSs’
strategic function points at the need to effectively manage SNSs towards strategic goals for
companies’ development. A strategic use of this tool, may improve the communication with
customers as well as within the organization. However, latest reports point at an evident need for
effective internal communication among strategic decisions and operations implementers. This
research explores controversies between professionals in charge of corporate communication
through SNSs (who usually belong to Marketing Departments) and those professionals in charge of
the strategic design of the company (who usually belong to Management Departments). Particularly,
the study analyzes how both departments communicate among them to provide a successful
corporate communication with customers. In order to carry out a small empirical research, a review
of scientific articles has been carried out, as well as a quantitative confirmatory study, aimed at
learning. 52 questionnaires answered by participants from tourism companies has been gathered
and mainly contributed by those professionals working for marketing and management
departments. Findings report a quantitative description of the data gathered, a clusterization of the
same and a t-test for validation. Finally, main conclusions point at the use of SNSs for informative
purposes more than for the accomplishment of strategic purposes, although internal communication
revealed to be effective enough among professionals in charge of the strategic and operational sides
of the equation. Recommendations for practitioners have been reported, as well as future lines of
research for academics.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
66 p.
Tutor: Alexandra Samper
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