Critical Success Factors for Start-up and Corporations Collaboration
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This dissertation aims to find which are the critical success factors that determine whether a collaboration between a start-up and a corporation will be successful. Taking into account how technology has become fundamental for success and many companies find themselves lacking enough innovation to meet those requirements, partnering with start-ups has become an effective strategy in order to remain competitive.
The main objective of this thesis is to understand how these collaborating strategies can be improved in order to encounter a win-win situation between corporations and start-ups, fostering mutual growth.
As per the research methods used, they are purely qualitative. More concretely, there have been 3 different interviews conducted to technology-oriented professionals and 3 other interviews from a secondary source which are more focused in the Hospitality industry.
To conclude, an overall analysis of the factors making successful collaborations between start-ups and corporations is fulfilled having used the aforementioned sources.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
66 p.
Tutor: Hubert Augusto Joo Kitano
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