Mister Watson Vegan Catering
Publication date
The objective of this project is to analyze the feasibility of the implementation of a vegan and sustainable catering company, with Catalonia as the area of activity. The commercial name of this company is "Mister Watson vegan catering”.
The promoters of this business feel great concerns for the cuisine and the organization of events, so they are making a university degree in Tourism and Hospitality Management, also having experience in this tourism and service sector. The knowledge has helped to realize that this is the right place and time to offer a product like the one you’re going to see.
As for the offer, the service that is given in this project is an exquisite product, quality and vegan (all food that isn’t or doesn’t comes from animals). This project wants to make people aware of the importance of food in relation to sustainability, and that is why it wants to set an example and commit itself to create a sustainable company in all aspects: Environmental, social and economical. In relation of the environmental, the product will be created 100% vegan, seasonal and km 0. Also, during this process products that are not harmful to the environment will always be used. In social terms, people with risk of social exclusion will be hired; also, this project is thought to donate all the remaining food. On the other hand, in relation to the economy, Mister Watson Vegan Catering will be very transparent about its movements.
The aimed of this company is to offer a product at different types of clients: Hotels with meeting rooms but lack of resources for catering, companies of greater or lesser size, and particulars in search of a personalized menu. Although on the other hand, our customers will be motivated to find a product of high cuisine, exquisite and sustainable.
Due to the great competition that exists in this sector, the business plan will study our competitive advantage and exploit it to succeed in the industry.
Finally, it will show the costs of creating a company like this one, analyze them, study them and look for strategies to reduce them.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
62 p.
Tutor: Marian Buil
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