The factors that influence customer with disability experience in a hotel and its related emotional value outcome, an exploratory study
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This study deals with the issue of hospitality offered to people with disability and their families,
when staying in hotels. The purpose of this study is to do a deep analysis about what are the
common barriers that people with disability face during their stays in hotels and how their
families feel in front of this situation.
The final analysis is the result of the information obtained through qualitative research. This
study utilizes in-depth interviews of nine participants, families from Barcelona that have a
member with disability: seven with multi-disability and two with intellectual disability.
Interpreted by the social model of disability, the results suggest that the challenges that
participants confront derive from the physical design of the environment as well as the staff
behaviors. Different value outcomes were found taking into account the condition of the person
with disability as well as the condition of the family: Positive value outcome, negative value
outcome and helplessness.
In addition, the paper offers recommendations for hotel managers with regard to specific
physical as well as interpersonal constraints to reduce difficulties faced by people with
disabilities in their hotel experiences. The limitations found in this study are going to be used for
giving recommendation for future researches.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
64 p.
Tutor: Mònica Cerdán
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