Analyze the accessibility for disabled people in Mountain Tourism
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Tourism is an industry that is constantly growing and with it grows the awareness of people with
special needs. Access to all the infrastructures that involves tourism is a right that all people have.
In spite of that, not all infrastructures are adapted, especially in mountain tourism. Despite the
progress made and the improvements in infrastructure, it is not enough. This paper expands the
literature on accessible tourism focusing on the mountain tourism, comparing Spanish and French
laws, rights and accessibility. To this aim, different interviews based on the research were done. A
example of seven interviews will be analyzed. Seven people were interviewed. The sub-director
from Les Angles station, C.P. as well as the director from the company Play and Train, S.M. ; A.R, a
volunteer guide, that helps people with vision disabilities. Finally users from the ski station will be
interviewed. All the interviews and the data collected suggest that ski stations need to be changed
in order to be better adapted for access for disabled people. Cooperation with the government is
crucial to help to improve the infrastructures. Society needs to be aware of the problem in order to
start improving all the infrastructures and make tourism an easy way to travel for people with
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
53 p.
Tutor: Geoffrey Belligoi
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