The search of authenticity in the tourism experience an antithesis in the host-guest relationship
Publication date
The purpose of this research is to understand tourism from a local perspective, conducting a deep analysis of cultural heritage and its authenticity. It is demonstrated that in tourism management, the local communities are key for the success of a destination.
This work conducts a deep analysis on the new tourists’ motivation for authenticity and the side effects that tourism is provoking on local communities.
Finally, it is shown that the long term sustainability of a place is strictly related with the wellbeing of its inhabitants. In fact, a destination in order to be sustainable needs to benefit, not only tourists but especially its local communities.
The aim of this paper is to raise awareness toward a more sustainable tourism in which the local communities are taken more into consideration, since they represent the sign of distinction of a destination and therefore its unicity and authenticity.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
67 p.
Tutor: Geoffrey Belligoi
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