Business plan for a review platform about hospitality internships
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This project will suggest a possible solution for a gap found in the hospitality sector. It has been researched that placements in hospitality degrees have a great relevance. However, a high number of students are dissatisfied with their experience and as a result, the industry is negatively affected since young professionals change industries and there is a lack of hospitality experts. This research aims to offer a solution to this problem. The proposal consists in an innovative platform with students’ reviews of the past internships so that those are shared to other students seeking for placements. This way, the students who are searching for internships would have more information about their next challenge and to compare several career options with more resources. The main features of the platform would allow them to discover more about working conditions, task and responsibilities, working environment among others. This suggested product will be supported with a business plan and based on external factors such as the millennial’s profile, the power of Word-of-Mouth and current job sites in the market. That will be studied and research in the literature review. Some internal factors regarding revenue sources and expenses and marketing technics will be presented as well.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
73 p.
Tutor: Fede Prats
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