Volunteer tourism products meeting the needs of the Millennial traveler
Publication date
Volunteer tourism is an emerging trend growing fast among Millennials around the world. This
project involves an insight of what volunteer tourism is, which are their main typologies as well
as the main implications. Furthermore, the main characteristics of the Millennial volunteer
travelers are identified likewise their travel behavior. Besides, through the literature and two
data collection techniques, which are interviews and surveys, the needs and travel motivations
of the Millennial tourists involved in volunteer tourism are studied and the role played by
NGOs in volunteer tourism. The aim of this research is to determine whether the volunteer
tourism products that are currently in the market are designed taking into account the needs
and travel motivations of the Millennial traveler. The results of this study suggest that there is
no such approach but it has been observed that the actual volunteer tourism offer is aligned
with the travel requirements of the Milennial traveler.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
55 p.
Tutor: Emili Valdero
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