Barcelona's citizens' attitudes towards tourism
Publication date
The aim of this project is to find out Barcelona’s citizens attitudes towards tourism. In order to
analyze and acknowledge the city’s inhabitants’ perspectives on the Travel and Tourism Industry, a
model is proposed based on the Triple Bottom Line Approach - which claims that the effects caused
by the sector ought to be measured based on three main impacts: economic, sociocultural and
environmental ones. Hence, a questionnaire is employed to calculate the extent to which
Barcelona’s locals perceive these impacts to be valuable to shape their attitudes towards the
tourism activity in their city. By means of this quantitative tool, three out of the six hypotheses
suggested are able to be confirmed: Positive economic impacts affect positively and directly on
Barcelona’s citizens’ attitudes towards tourism, Positive sociocultural impacts affect positively and
directly on Barcelona’s citizens’ attitudes towards tourism and Negative sociocultural impacts affect
negatively and directly on Barcelona’s citizens’ attitudes towards tourism.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
75 p.
Tutor: Emilio Robres
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