Business plan: the creation of an inclusive hostel
Publication date
The purpose behind this Bachelor Thesis is the creation of a new and, most important, inclusive
touristic concept build upon the needs, capacities and expectations of people with intellectual
disabilities. A project specially conceived and customized for the most vulnerable segment of the
labour market, and where the main focus is set on creating an appealing working environment
where people with disabilities are perceived as the main core of the organization.
The objective of this Bachelor Thesis is to develop an inclusive lodging model that, being feasible and
profitable, allows the creation of labour opportunities for a collective traditionally excluded and
marginalized from the employment market. In order to develop a framework for disabled people, a
business plan will be created having in mind the principles that well define a social economy and the
overall structure will be conceived with a common goal: the welfare and integration of people with
intellectual disabilities.
The elaboration of this business plan will lead to the creation of a hostel in which part of the labour
force will be constituted by people with intellectual disabilities. This is, consequently, a new inclusive
tourism concept where the employees, and their respective capacities and abilities, represent the
core essence of the organization. The overall corporate structure within the lodging will be built
upon the capabilities and talents of a diverse and interdisciplinary group of people coordinated to
achieve a common objective: providing accommodation to guests.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
86 p.
Tutor: Màrian Buil
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