Now showing items 1-10 of 532
New developments in vertebroplasty materials
(Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros del Instituto Químico de Sarrià, 2018-07)
Increasing life expectancy is leading to an increase in age-related diseases, like osteoporosis, which often involve the breakdown of bone. One of the main problems related with such disease is the ...
Mechanical strengthening in S235JR steel sheets through vibration-assisted ball burnishing
(MDPI, 2020-07)
The superficial effect of hardening caused after vibration-assisted ball burnishing and its consequences in the tensile behavior of a carbon steel material are studied in this paper. As ball burnishing ...
Calidad de servicio en la industria hotelera desde la perspectiva del SERVQUAL
(Univiversitat de Barcelona, 2008-09)
Proporcionar niveles de calidad excelentes se ha convertido en uno de los factores que determinan el éxito de las empresas que prestan servicios de alojamiento (Falces et al., 1999). Oh (1999) y Olorunniwo ...
Long-Term Calculation of Predicted Environmental Concentrations to Assess the Risk of Anticancer Drugs in Environmental Waters
(MDPI, 2022-05)
This study reports the consumption data for 132 anticancer drugs in Catalonia (NE Spain) during the period of 2013–2017 and calculates the predicted environmental concentrations (PECs) in wastewater ...
Simulación de procesos con controladores lógico-programables (PLC’s)
(Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros del Instituto Químico de Sarrià, 2014-04)
La realización de prácticas en el laboratorio de control de procesos presenta como mayor dificultad el coste asociado al funcionamiento del proceso, debido al consumo de reactivos, de energía o a la ...
Short-term exposure to environmental levels of nicotine and cotinine impairs visual motor response in zebrafish larvae through a similar mode of action: Exploring the potential role of zebrafish α7 nAChR
(Elsevier, 2023-12-14)
The current view is that environmental levels of nicotine and cotinine, commonly in the ng/L range, are safe for aquatic organisms. In this study, 7 days post-fertilization zebrafish embryos have been ...
Síntesis y aplicación de homocompuestos de TiO2 a la eliminación de contaminantes
(Asociación de Químicos e Ingenieros del Instituto Químico de Sarrià, 2011-07)
Existen ciertos problemas de ingeniería para la uso generalizado de reacciones fotocatalíticas. La utilización de catalizadores en forma de partículas es el mayor causante de opacidad en el medio y ...
Learning to work interculturally and virtually: Developing postgraduate hospitality management students across international HE institutions
(Elsevier, 2016-01)
Given the challenges of developing inter-culturally competent, digitally literate, team players amidst a realm of other postgraduate competencies this paper outlines the initiative developed by academic ...
Assessment of the angiogenic potential of 2-deoxy-D-ribose using a novel in vitro 3D dynamic model in comparison with established in vitro assays
(Frontiers Media, 2020-01)
Angiogenesis is a highly ordered physiological process regulated by the interaction of endothelial cells with an extensive variety of growth factors, extracellular matrix components and mechanical ...
Exploring the gendered tourism entrepreneurial ecosystem in Barcelona and responses required: a feminist ethic of care
(Taylor & Francis, 2023-05-08)
Barcelona is an attractive location in Spain for tourism entrepreneurship; however, women are significantly under-represented. This study adopts a locally based perspective and a feminist ethic of care ...