Recent Submissions
Correction: The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises’ environmental outcomes
(Journal of International Business Studies, 2024)The article “The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises’ environmental outcomes”, written by Pia Ellimäki, Ruth V. Aguilera, Nuria Esther Hurtado-Torres and J. Alberto ... -
¿Importa la gobernanza corporativa para los rendimientos de las acciones?
(Emisores, 2024)La relación entre la gobernanza corporativa y los rendimientos de las acciones ha sido objeto de un debate y estudio significativos en la literatura financiera. Tradicionalmente, las empresas con buenas ... -
Goal-Based Private Sustainability Governance and Its Paradoxes in the Indonesian Palm Oil Sector
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2023)In response to stakeholder pressure, companies increasingly make ambitious forward-looking sustainability commitments. They then draw on corporate policies with varying degrees of alignment to disseminate ... -
Análisis de la reglamentación del uso del Big Data ambiental en España aplicaciones para la conservación y gestión de los parques naturales
(Revista eurolatinoamericana de Derecho Administrativo, 2023)El Big Data ambiental, considerado como tecnología derivada de la Revolución Digital, puede ser un aliado objetivo para el desarrollo de la función pública de conservación y protección del medio ambiente, ... -
El secuestro de páginas web y otras plataformas por la Administración Pública
(Esade Law Review, 2024) -
Examining the Ability, Motivation and Opportunity (AMO) framework in HRM research: Conceptualization, measurement and interactions
(International Journal of Management Reviews, 2023)Despite the increasing popularity of the Ability, Motivation, Opportunity (AMO) framework in the Human Resource Management (HRM) field, AMO research is at a crossroads in theoretical and empirical ... -
From Bits to Atoms: Open Source Hardware at CERN
(MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems, 2023)Although considered a relatively recent phenomenon of the past decade, open source hardware (OSH) is already influencing commercial hardware development. However, a common belief is that the greater ... -
Navigating the Technological Landscape in Hospitality: Added Values and Entry Barriers of Technologies 4.0
(SAGE Open. 2024;14(4), 2024-11-14)Technological advancements, particularly Technologies 4.0, have become pivotal in reshaping the hospitality industry thanks to a wide range of new opportunities but knowing when, and how their adoption ... -
The (de)motives for using food waste reduction apps among hospitality providers
(Sustainable Development. 2024;32:7262-7277, 2024-06-19)Digital technology can aid in redistributing surplus meals in hospitality organisations, but little is known about the (de)motives for its use among industry professionals. Yet, a better understanding ... -
Unpacking Stimuli and Barriers to Internationalization Across Export Stages: The Case of Spanish Wine Firms in China
(Thunderbird International Business Review. 2024;66:429-446, 2024-06-18)Firm internationalization has been analyzed from different angles based on various theories. However, qualitative research on the stability of the factors that motivate and hinder internationalization ... -
Credit default swaps, the leverage effect, and cross-sectional predictability of equity and firm asset volatility
(Journal of Corporate Finance, 2023)Leverage represents both a fundamental component of equity volatility and a long-run selection variable. Based on this premise, we investigate the influence of leverage on the long-run cross-sectional ... -
A theory of credible cross-temporal corporate commitments as goal-based private sustainability governance
(Business Strategy and the Environment, 2023)Goal-based corporate supply chain commitments to zero-deforestation, carbon neutrality, or sustainable sourcing have become important elements of businesses' sustainability and reputation management ... -
The impact of Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine on public perceptions of EU security and defence integration: a big data analysis
(Journal of European Integration, 2023)The 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine sent shockwaves through Europe and led to rapid policy changes concomitant with variations in citizen perceptions. This article analyses how EU public opinion on ... -
Analysing the impact of green consumption values on brand responses and behavioural intention
(Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 2023)Environmental sustainability is an increasingly important issue for many business and social actors. This has led many scholars to research the effects of this phenomenon from various points of view ... -
From strangers to social collectives? Sensemaking and organizing in response to a pandemic
(European Management Journal, 2023)The COVID-19 pandemic temporarily exposed the inadequacy of established institutions and markets to handle a multidimensional crisis, but it also revealed the spontaneous emergence of social collectives ... -
Revenue models for digital services in the railway industry: A framework for choosing the right revenue model
(Journal of Business Research, 2023)While digital servitization provides manufacturing companies with the potential to earn additional revenues in the transition process from physical to digital offerings, the implementation of adequate ... -
The link between foreign institutional owners and multinational enterprises’ environmental outcomes
(Journal of International Business Studies, 2023)Many institutional investors claim to be leaders in their commitment to sustainability, yet their real impact is undetermined. We look at the relationship between the presence of foreign institutional ... -
Sobre el concepto y los derechos de la persona "afectada" por comunicaciones sobre infracciones en la Ley 2/2023, reguladora de la protección de la persona informante
(FORO. Revista de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Nueva Época, 2023)Un sujeto de gran relevancia en la Ley 2/2023, tanto por las obligaciones que se le impone como por los derechos que se le garantiza, es el de la denominada “persona afectada”, que es la persona física ... -
Information and optimal trading strategies with dark pools
(Economic Modelling, 2023)This paper examines the effects of the competition between asset trading venues with different levels of transparency: an opaque dark pool alongside a transparent exchange organized as a limit order ... -
Reviewing Paradox Theory in Corporate Sustainability Toward a Systems Perspective
(Journal of Business Ethics, 2023)The complexity of current social and environmental grand challenges generates many conflicts and tensions at the individual, organization and/or systems levels. Paradox theory has emerged as a promising ...