Treballs de l'alumnat: TFG i TFM: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1001-1020 de 1149
Yo no quería ser un enfermo. De la comunitat a la presó, la vivència emocional de l'esquizofrènia
(2018-10-24)La vivència emocional d’un brot psicòtic afecta a la percepció, consciencia, sentiments, comportament, sensacions i vincle amb l'entorn, que una persona experimenta durant el transcurs de la malaltia. ... -
El rol del/la Trabajador/a social en la recuperación de los vínculos entre madres inmigrantes latinoamericanas y sus hijos/as reagrupados en España
(2018-10-24)España ha recibido en las últimas dos décadas una alta inmigración de mujeres provenientes de América Latina, en su mayoría en busca de un mejor porvenir para sus familias. Iniciando un viaje en solitario ... -
Vides a la deriva i la ruptura del somni europeu: Sota el mateix cel
(2018-09-27)L'actual crisi dels refugiats ha desencadenat una situació d'inestabilitat social i econòmica greu, evidenciant l'existència d'un gran nombre de persones que viuen en situació de marginació i exclusió ... -
How to adapt and promote the Andean Baroque Route to the 21st century tourist
(2018-10)The Andean Baroque Route is a half day tour that traverses four temples with high attractive heritage but, the administration behind the RBA lacks of a vigorous marketing department that looks after the ... -
Revisió, disseny i implementació d'un projecte social en l'àmbit hospitalari de mitja estada
(2018-09-27)Amb la creació d’aquest projecte, es pretén analitzar l’actual desenvolupament de l’oci i l’entreteniment que el voluntariat de l’Hospital de Terrassa duu a terme a la Unitat d’hospitalització de ... -
Sharing economy in Barcelona: legal issues for nautical tourism
(2018-03)The research aims to investigate the current state of the sharing economy in Barcelona, to analyse Barcelona as a tourism destination and study the legal issues of the sharing economy in nautical tourism ... -
Millennials Job Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry. Empirical Study
(2018-03)The number of employees leaving the workplace is a reality that many hospitality companies are facing these days. These employees, mostly Millennials, share a set of common characteristics and aspirations ... -
Intensity of Rivalry: Case Study of Airbnb in Barcelona
(2018-03)Despite the fact that networked-based companies are a relatively new phenomenon, these companies are rapidly expanding and gaining knowledge about the new trends in the hospitality sector and therefore, ... -
How is luxury understood in five-star hotels Mandarin Oriental and W in Barcelona, Spain?
(2013-03)The standardization of what a luxury hotel should provide is not clear yet (Heine, 2011), although some organizations have provided the industry with guidelines (UNWTO, 2015). This phenomenon may rely ... -
Comments vs star rating
(2018-03)The following research aims to analyse one of the current issue in the hospitality industry which is the comparison of the current star rating system and comments from previous experiences. Trying to ... -
Adapting destinations to be accessible to all forms of tourism: the challenge of blind tourists
(2018-03)The access to tourism activities is considered a right for everybody no matter their origin or their condition. Consequently, accessible tourism is becoming more important in modern societies in order ... -
Comparative analysis of two leader online travel agencies in the Barcelona market
(2018-03)The purpose of this study was to analyze the different applied practices as well as the tools and methods that the two leader global online travel agencies give to their hotel partners in order to sell ... -
El arte de las canas, dignidad y participación
(2018-02-09) -
Assetjament escolar i alumnes superdotats
(2018-02-09)The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between giftedness and bullying. However, in order to be able to understand these topics, the theoretical framework is divided in two ... -
Les comunitats d'aprenentatge com a model inclusiu per a l'educació d'adults
(2018-02-09)This research examines the successful educational actions present in Schools as Learning Communities, which represent transformative components for the educative inclusion of people with functional ... -
Glamping Xera: business plan
(2017-11) -
Senior Tourists in China: perception and satisfaction regarding outbound travel experience in a group package tour
(2017-10)Tourism has become one of the fast growing industries in China. In December 2009, the Chinese State Council issued official document named “Opinions about developing tourism industry rapidly” in which ... -
The Perception of millennial generation on green restaurants
(2017-10)Companies with a sustainable business model in the hospitality industry are increasing. Not only hotels recognize the need to respond to sustainable pressures, but also restaurants in the form of Green ... -
Characterizing active sport tourists: Millennials versus Baby Boomers
(2017-10)Considering the extensive growth of both the millennial and baby boomers generation in the active sport tourism market, large-scale economic potentials for tourism practitioners exist in this market. ... -
The Influence of hosting mega-event on destination branding in terms of tourism in private sector point of view. Case study of Olympic Games in Sochi (Russia), 2014
(2017-10)Destination branding is an emerging and argued subject in the fields of management, marketing, tourism and politics. Hosting mega-events is associated with a certain degree of benefit for host destination. ...