Comments vs star rating
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The following research aims to analyse one of the current issue in the hospitality industry which is the comparison of the current star rating system and comments from previous experiences.
Trying to answer the main objectives of this research the author contributes to identify if the current star rating system is effective and also to evaluate all factors involved in a customer experience since the importance of comments are growing rapidly. Putting it in other words, identify if comments from previous experiences have more value than star rating system when customers are choosing a hotel, especially 5 star hotels in that case.
This study will show the importance that comments from previous experiences have in a final purchase decision and will try to engage readers to know more about this topic.
The influence of comments and the new customer behaviour are the base of this research and thanks to this study the author will be able to evaluate and discuss if a new regulation is needed in order to have covered the needs that new market wants or if they keeping trust on the current one.
Lastly, this research contributes to conclude that definitely comments have more value than star rating system when customers are choosing a hotel.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
56 p.
Tutor: Raquel Ferreras
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