How to adapt and promote the Andean Baroque Route to the 21st century tourist
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The Andean Baroque Route is a half day tour that traverses four temples with high attractive heritage but, the administration behind the RBA lacks of a vigorous marketing department that looks after the communication and the way of selling the tour in order to promote it with nowadays tools. The purpose of this degree thesis is to adapt the Andean Baroque Route to the 21st Century tourist, increase the number of visitors and examine today’s vacationalist behaviour. The framework of this study comprises the research of marketing content to update the RBA tourist scope methodology, a PESTEL analysis of the destination and the previous studies provided by the company. The methodological approach that is carried out in this study is phenomenological due to the findings related with tourists and their social behaviour reflected in a quantitative and qualitative way. The findings show an analysis of the foreign tourist who visited Peru and Cusco, the explanation of the nowadays promotion of the RBA, the Selection of survey results applicable to the RBA in order to consider how to adapt the route to the 21st Century and lastly, an analysis of the results according Piasa Consultories S.A. The Degree Thesis concludes with a summary of the three objectives accomplished trough different information sources, and its combination is what makes valuable this case study. In
addition, some recommendations are given for futer volunteers that wish to collaborate bringing SEMPA and other companies to its excellence performance
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
77 p.
Tutor: Jorge Peralta
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