Millennials Job Satisfaction in the Hospitality Industry. Empirical Study
Publication date
The number of employees leaving the workplace is a reality that many hospitality companies are facing these days. These employees, mostly Millennials, share a set of common characteristics and aspirations that make them differ from previous generations.
Five main objectives have been designed in order to analyze the gap between Millennials and the Hospitality Industry. Firstly, to find a definition for job satisfaction. Secondly, to investigate what makes Millennials satisfied at the workplace. Thirdly, to study what the industry does in order to satisfy them. Fourthly, to identify the current gap within the industry. Lastly, to provide useful tips to the Hotel Industry.
These five objectives have guided the author obtaining reliable data towards analyzing “the relationship between Millennials Job Satisfaction and Hospitality Industry practices”.
Document Type
Project / Final year job or degree
95 p.
Tutora: Itziar Ramírez
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