Treballs finals de màster: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-120 of 300
Transmedia storytelling: The ultimate teaching tool for the XXIth century teacher
(2020)This is a dissertation about the possibilities that transmedia storytelling offers to secondary school teachers and students. It puts forward the idea that the inherent power of story is enhanced by the ... -
Project-based learning in Secondary Schools
(2020)Aquest estudi té per objectiu avaluar les percepcions dels estudiants i professors quan a la implementació del treball per projectes, en aquest cas, l’itinerari que s’anomena SUMMEM de l’Escola Pia ... -
Drama-based education: improving foreign language oral communicative competence within an inclusive space
(2020)This study inquires into the ways in which drama-based education creates inclusive spaces to improve students’ oral communicative competence. The study is to be conducted with foreign language 4th of ... -
Multilingualism: English Third Language Acquisition and Cross-Linguistic Influence from L2 to L3
(2020)Third language acquisition is a topic of research that has drawn the attention of many scholars during the last decades (Cenoz, 2001). Being multilingual has expanded both linguistically and culturally ... -
English L2 Acquisition with UDL
(2020)Educators and psychologists have reviewed and developed new models of teaching to understand more in-depth different learning approaches in order to improve L2 learning, taking into account the student’s ... -
Does L1 Catalan rhythm transfer to L2 English?
(2020)Languages have been classified according to their rhythmic properties into two main groups: stress-timed languages (such as English, German or Dutch) and syllable-timed languages (such as Spanish, French ... -
The use of ICT and the impact of going from face-to-face to online teaching and learning during the school year 2019-2020
(2020)Taking into account the crucial moment that our educational system is going through due to the impact of Covid-19 and the changes that have been imposed in our lives, this project aims to find out the ... -
Does Motivation in Secondary Education Increase with Project and Task-Based Learning?
(2020)The following research paper analyses a series of aspects related to motivation in secondary education and proposes an educational action with different goals, methods, tasks and evaluation with respect ... -
A literature review on bipolar disorder and how it affects a second language acquisition for EFL
(2020)Bipolar disorder is part of an experience of the destruction of autonomy and loss of identity that penetrates deeply into the heart of the bipolar student. Thus, bipolar students are emotionally unstable, ... -
The importance of motivation in spoken production in EFL
(2020)Speaking is an integral part of second language learning. However, a significant majority of learners admit to struggle with spoken production and find this competence the most challenging to master. ... -
Familias con descendencia afectada de Trastorno Psicótico: un estudio cuali-cuantitativo sobre las Relaciones Familiares Básicas
(2020)El objetivo de este estudio es comprender y describir cuantitativa y cualitativamente cómo son las relaciones familiares básicas (comunicación y dinámicas familiares) con un hijo/a diagnosticado de ... -
Pacients atesos en psicoteràpia de grup: factors dels participants relacionats amb el fet d’abandonar o completar la teràpia
(2020)Introducció. En psicoteràpia de grup, un dels problemes més comuns és l’abandonament que es produeix per una part de la població atesa. Les causes, variables i factors són diversos i de diversa índole: ... -
Motivation in Additional Language Learning: Do Communicative Games Boost Students’ Motivation to Learn?
(2020)This paper focuses on motivation in relation to additional language learning. In this area, motivation plays an essential role, and it is crucial to find and use different strategies and methodologies ... -
The students’ motives behind their classroom participation: What are the factors conditioning them?
(2020)The classroom participation is one of the fundamental pillars of the learning process, hence the current study seeks to explore and analyse the distinct factors affecting the students’ involvement in ... -
The importance of motivation in spoken production in EFL
(2020)Speaking is an integral part of second language learning. However, a significant majority of learners admit to struggle with spoken production and find this competence the most challenging to master. ... -
Comedy and Audio-Visual culture: a theoretical implementation PBL in Batxilllerat
(2020)The stage of Batxillerat in Catalonian or Baccalaureate refers to a learning period —post-secondary education— which coincides with the end of adolescence. Teaching curricular content is not always easy ... -
Necessitats dels professionals sanitaris en equips de cures pal·liatives domiciliàries: un estudi qualitatiu
(2020)L’objectiu d’aquest estudi qualitatiu és conèixer les necessitats percebudes pels professionals sanitaris d’un equip de cures pal·liatives en entorn domiciliari, principalment per la manca de testimonis ... -
Intervenciones psicológicas para mejorar la resiliencia en niños víctimas de violencia familiar: una revisión sistemática
(2020)Introducción: Sufrir violencia doméstica conlleva tener unas consecuencias tanto físicas como psicológicas que pueden llegar a ser devastadoras para la persona que lo padece, en este caso, los niños son ... -
Estudio del impacto del traumatismo cerebral en la infancia y la eficacia de la terapia psicológica
(2020)Se presenta un análisis cualitativo exploratorio, sobre la evolución de la sintomatología y la intervención en un centro de salud mental infanto-juvenil, en un niño de 11 años diagnosticado de trastorno ... -
Parentalización en la adolescència: anàlisis de un caso
(2020)Presentamos un análisis de caso de un proceso terapéutico en la Unidad de Terapia Familiar del Hospital Sant Pau y de la Santa Creu, con el fin de analizar y ejemplificar el fenómeno de la parentalización ...