Browsing Articles publicats en revistes by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 226
Health 2.0 and Medicine 2.0: Tensions and Controversies in the Field
(Journal of medical Internet research, 2008)Background: The term Web 2.0 became popular following the O’Reilly Media Web 2.0 conference in 2004; however, there are difficulties in its application to health and medicine. Principally, the definition ... -
World Café como metodología para fomentar el aprendizaje en autonomía de los alumnos en el grupo grande
(Revista CIDUI, 2012)El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo presentar la aplicación de una metodología denominada “World Café”, que permite fomentar prácticas autónomas en el aprendizaje de los alumnos dentro de un contexto ... -
Entrepreneurial talent and venture performance: A meta-analytic investigation of SMEs
(Research Policy, 2013)As the broad link between small and medium-sized firm activity and key policy goals such as employment or economic growth has become generally accepted, the conversation has focused on a more nuanced ... -
La nueva gobernanza política y las colaboraciones intersectoriales para el desarrollo sostenible
(Innovar, 2014)Para entender las colaboraciones intersectoriales para el desarrollo sostenible es preciso comprender, en primer lugar, el marco de gobernanza política en el que estas colaboraciones se pueden desarrollar, ... -
Determinants of network outcomes: The impact of management strategies
(Public Administration, 2014)The literature on network management is extensive. However, it generally explores network structures, neglecting the impact of management strategies. In this article we assess the effect of management ... -
Sustainability Commitment, New Competitors’ Presence, and Hotel Performance: The Hotel Industry in Barcelona
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2016)The hospitality industry is facing major challenges, among them the new competition from novel forms of supply in the sharing economy. Airbnb, Homeaway, and Niumba, among other websites offering ... -
Impacto de la calidad del servicio en la competitividad y rentabilidad: El sector hotelero en la costa catalana
(Intangible Capital, 2016)Objeto: El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar la relación entre percepción de calidad por parte de los clientes de los establecimientos hoteleros y los resultados económico-financieros de los ... -
Bibliometric Overview of Business & Economics Research
(Journal of Business Economics and Management, 2016)Bibliometrics is the quantitative study of bibliographic information. It classifies the information according to different criteria including authors, journals, institutions and countries. This paper ... -
An Explanatory Study of MBA Students with Regards to Sustainability and Ethics Commitment
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2016)(1) Background: The consequences of the recent economic crisis have shown the need for promoting certain key skills in future entrepreneurs to create enterprises that are capable of producing added ... -
The irruption of AirBNB and its effects on hotels' profitability: An analysis of Barcelona's hotel sector
(Intangible Capital, 2017)Purpose: The aim of this study is to analyze the existence of a relationship between the presence of nearby substitute products, mainly Airbnb flats or rooms, and the effect on the revenue and profitability ... -
Reframing the science and policy of nicotine, illegal drugs and alcohol – conclusions of the ALICE RAP Project
(F1000Research, 2017)In 2013, illegal drug use was responsible for 1.8% of years of life lost in the European Union, alcohol was responsible for 8.2% and tobacco for 18.2%, imposing economic burdens in excess of 2.5% of ... -
Is it worth it to consider videogames in accounting education? A comparison of a simulation and a videogame in attributes, motivation and learning outcomes
(Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 2017)The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of videogames in comparison to simulations in a higher education environment and with regard to their attributes, motivation, and learning ... -
Assessing public leadership styles for innovation: a comparison of Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Barcelona
(Public Management Review, 2017)This article explores which leadership qualities public managers regard as important for public innovation. It is based on a survey of 365 senior public managers in Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Barcelona. ... -
A novel architecture to monetize digital offerings
(Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2018)As commerce continues to shift to the digital domain, organizations respond by improving and evolving their approach to creating value for customers. When the time comes to convert digital anything into ... -
Cataluña y España en la crisis del pacto constitucional: obstáculos para un reconocimiento profundo
(Razón y Fe, 2018)Las relaciones entre Cataluña y España de los últimos años han sido más conflictivas de lo habitual. Dichas relaciones son examinadas aquí desde la perspectiva del reconocimiento profundo. Algunos hitos ... -
European macroeconomic imbalances at a sectorial level: Evidence from German and Spanish food industry
(Intangible Capital, 2018)Purpose: This research has analyzed the structural differences observed comparing medium size Spanish and German firms in the food industry, specifically biscuit production. A second objective has been ... -
Using Network Science to Analyse Football Passing Networks: Dynamics, Space, Time, and the Multilayer Nature of the Game
(Frontiers in Psychology, 2018)During the last decade, Network Science has become one of the most active fields in applied physics and mathematics (Newman, 2010). From all its possible applications, in this Opinion paper we are ... -
Introducing More IFRS Principles of Disclosure – Will the Poor Disclosers Improve?
(Accounting in Europe, 2018)The current paper was prepared for the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) Research Forum 2017 and evaluates the effects of introducing more principles of disclosure as part of the IASB ... -
Adquisición de competencias a través de juegos serios en el área contable: un análisis empírico
(Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 2018)El actual sistema de educación superior se basa en un aprendizaje activo por parte del estudiante enfocado al desarrollo de competencias genéricas y específicas. En este contexto muchos autores defienden ... -
Actos de administración de la herencia yacente por los “herederos llamados”: un análisis del art. 411-9 del Código Civil Catalán
(InDret: Revista para el Análisis del Derecho, 2018)En estas páginas se realiza una propuesta de interpretación del ámbito de gestión que el art. 411-9 del Código civil catalán reconoce al llamado a heredar sobre los bienes relictos: qué actos de ...