Browsing Articles publicats en revistes by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 226
60 Years of March and Simon’s Organizations: An Empirical Examination of its Impact and Influence on Subsequent Research
(Journal of Management Studies, 2019)We provide an analytic and systematic review of the impact of March and Simon’s seminal Organizations on management research and discuss the book’s value for current research and propose future applications ... -
A Banking Platform to Leverage Data Driven Marketing with Machine Learning
(Entropy, 2022)Payment data is one of the most valuable assets that retail banks can leverage as the major competitive advantage with respect to new entrants such as Fintech companies or giant internet companies. In ... -
A multilevel review of artificial intelligence in organizations: Implications for organizational behavior research and practice
(Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024)The rising use of artificially intelligent (AI) technologies, including generative AI tools, in organizations is undeniable. As these systems become increasingly integrated into organizational practices ... -
A multimethod investigation of the interpersonal effects of leader perfectionism and anger expression on employee psychological safety and creativity
(Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024)Heightened competition within and across organizations compels leaders to set inflexibly high standards and to demand creative performance from their employees. Considering recent research on the ... -
A novel architecture to monetize digital offerings
(Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2018)As commerce continues to shift to the digital domain, organizations respond by improving and evolving their approach to creating value for customers. When the time comes to convert digital anything into ... -
A paradox approach to sustainable product-service systems
(Industrial Marketing Management, 2022)A move towards the business model of product-service systems (PSS) holds the promise of changing customer behaviour in a more sustainable direction. While this promise of PSS to play a key role in ... -
A Scalable and Efficient Iterative Method for Copying Machine Learning Classifiers
(Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2023)Differential replication through copying refers to the process of replicating the decision behavior of a machine learning model using another model that possesses enhanced features and attributes. This ... -
A simheuristic for project portfolio optimization combining individual project risk, scheduling effects, interruptions, and project risk correlations
(Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2024)This paper introduces a simheuristic method to the Project Portfolio Selection Problem, designed to maximize the net present value of the portfolio while considering uncertain costs, schedules, ... -
A theory of credible cross-temporal corporate commitments as goal-based private sustainability governance
(Business Strategy and the Environment, 2023)Goal-based corporate supply chain commitments to zero-deforestation, carbon neutrality, or sustainable sourcing have become important elements of businesses' sustainability and reputation management ... -
Accommodating Practices During Episodes of Disillusionment with Mobile IT
(Information Systems Frontiers, 2021)This study investigates how tablet users react when technology falls short of their expectations. We deploy a data/frame model to study this process and investigate resistance-related reactions and the ... -
Actos de administración de la herencia yacente por los “herederos llamados”: un análisis del art. 411-9 del Código Civil Catalán
(InDret: Revista para el Análisis del Derecho, 2018)En estas páginas se realiza una propuesta de interpretación del ámbito de gestión que el art. 411-9 del Código civil catalán reconoce al llamado a heredar sobre los bienes relictos: qué actos de ... -
Addressing Endogeneity Without Instrumental Variables: An Evaluation of the Gaussian Copula Approach for Management Research
(Journal of Management, 2023)The availability and quality of instrumental variables (IV) are frequent concerns in empirical management research when trying to overcome endogeneity problems. For endogeneity that does not arise from ... -
Adquisición de competencias a través de juegos serios en el área contable: un análisis empírico
(Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 2018)El actual sistema de educación superior se basa en un aprendizaje activo por parte del estudiante enfocado al desarrollo de competencias genéricas y específicas. En este contexto muchos autores defienden ... -
An Explanatory Study of MBA Students with Regards to Sustainability and Ethics Commitment
(Sustainability (Switzerland), 2016)(1) Background: The consequences of the recent economic crisis have shown the need for promoting certain key skills in future entrepreneurs to create enterprises that are capable of producing added ... -
Analysing the impact of a business intelligence system and new conceptualizations of system use
(Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 2019)Purpose: In this study, three models were empirically compared, the DeLone and McLean model, the Seddon model and the Modified Seddon model, by measuring the impact of a business intelligence system ... -
Analysing the impact of green consumption values on brand responses and behavioural intention
(Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility, 2023)Environmental sustainability is an increasingly important issue for many business and social actors. This has led many scholars to research the effects of this phenomenon from various points of view ... -
Análisis de la reglamentación del uso del Big Data ambiental en España aplicaciones para la conservación y gestión de los parques naturales
(Revista eurolatinoamericana de Derecho Administrativo, 2023)El Big Data ambiental, considerado como tecnología derivada de la Revolución Digital, puede ser un aliado objetivo para el desarrollo de la función pública de conservación y protección del medio ambiente, ... -
Assessing public leadership styles for innovation: a comparison of Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Barcelona
(Public Management Review, 2017)This article explores which leadership qualities public managers regard as important for public innovation. It is based on a survey of 365 senior public managers in Copenhagen, Rotterdam and Barcelona. ... -
Assessing the Effects of User Accountability in Contracting Out
(Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 2024)How does contracting out affect service performance? Evidence to date is mixed. We argue that this is partially due to prior studies focusing often on whether—not how—services are contracted. Yet, how ... -
Assessing the risk of default propagation in interconnected sectoral financial networks
(EPJ Data Science, 2019)Systemic risk of financial institutions and sectoral companies relies on their inter-dependencies. The inter-connectivity of the financial networks has proven to be crucial to understand the propagation ...