Developing O'Clils with very young learners
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Content and Language lntegrated Learning (CLIL) is a content-based approach well-known by all lan guage teachers nowadays. The concept of Out door CLIL at School (O'CLILS) develops from the former and tries to implement the basic features of CLIL in new contexts that go beyond the classroom. lnfant Education seems to us the most appropriate context to develop O'CLILS, as there are many ed ucational moments that are part of the very young learners' daily lives at the school that take place outside the classroom, and which provide very good opportunities for immersion.
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Palabras clave
Anglès -- Ensenyament
Educació infantil
Publicado por
APAC Associació de Professorat d'Anglès de Catalunya
Publicado en
APAC ELT Journal, 2011
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