Browsing by Author "Corcoll López, Cristina"
Now showing items 1-12 of 12
Abriendo puertas al uso auténtico del inglés. Los momentos cotidianos en la escuela
Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (Aula de infantil, núm. 78(2014), p. 31-35, 2014-11)En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de introducción del inglés en la etapa de educa ción infantil que quiere ser coherente con las características y necesidades de la etapa, y efec tiva en su ... -
Additional Language Acquisition at Infant School: Integrating MORE than Content and ILanguage
Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (APAC ELT Journal, 2009, 2009)English is taught as an additional language in many schools at pre-pri mary level. Starting early alone, however, does not guarantee satisfying results in the long run. This is why it is necessary to ... -
La construcció del coneixement a partir de intuïcions prèvies: El mètode científic a educació infantil
Corcoll López, Cristina; Modolell Rodríguez, Cristina (Guix d'Infantil, Núm. 110 (jul. 2021), p. 35-38, 2021-07)La conversa i el diàleg són clau a l’educació infantil. Són espais privilegiats per aprendre a ser, a expressar-se, a compartir i a escoltar. Són espais que permeten als infants crear opinió i contrastar-la ... -
Developing children’s language awareness: switching codes in the language classroom
Corcoll López, Cristina (International Journal of Multilingualism, 10:1, 27-45, 2013)This article examines how learning an additional language can positively affect children’s opinions and feelings about languages and how this process can be enriched when different languages namely, ... -
Developing O'Clils with very young learners
Flores, Carme; Corcoll López, Cristina (APAC ELT Journal, 2011, 2011)Content and Language lntegrated Learning (CLIL) is a content-based approach well-known by all lan guage teachers nowadays. The concept of Out door CLIL at School (O'CLILS) develops from the former and ... -
Developing plurilingual competence with young learners: "We play and we learn and we speak in three languages"
Corcoll López, Cristina (González Davies, M. i Taronna, A. (eds.). New Trends in Early Foreign Language Learning: The Age Factor, CLIL and Languages in Contact. Bridging Research and Good Practices. pp. 97-109, 2012)The main aim of this chapter is to justify in theoretical and practical terms why plurilingual competence should be developed in the context of teaching and additional language in Primary Education and ... -
Early languages
Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (Sutherland, H. i Mukadam, Y. (eds.). Supporting Toddlers’ Wellbeing in Early Years Settings: Strategies and Tools for Practitioners and Teachers (pp. 161-177), 2018-04)Early childhood education should provide toddlers with the best learning opportunities. Nowadays, when focusing on language and language learning, the best learning opportunities should include adapting ... -
Obrint portes a l’ús autèntic de l’anglès: Els moments quotidians a l’escola
Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (Guix d'Infantil, Num. 78 (nov./des. 2014), p. 31-35, 2014-11)En aquest article, s’hi presenta una proposta d’introducció de l’anglès a l’educació infantil que vol ser coherent amb les característiques i les necessitats de l’etapa, a més d’efectiva en el paper ... -
Plurilingualism and using languages to learn languages: a sequential approach to deal effectively with language diversity
Corcoll López, Cristina (Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 2021, vol. 15, n.1, 42-51, 2021)After years of controversy and terminological debate, the plurilingual approach is now well accepted by language teaching communities. Still, doubts concerning how the plurilingual approach can shape ... -
Prácticas plurilingües en el aula de lengua adicional: Del concepto a la realidad
Corcoll López, Cristina; González Davies, María (Textos, Núm. 81 (jul./set.), p. 31-38, 2018-07)En los últimos años, el aprendizaje y la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras han sufrido cambios terminológicos que indican cambios metodológicos. A menudo, llegan primero las ideas y luego la práctica, ... -
Preschool education
Corcoll López, Cristina; Mitchell-Smith, Jane (Laviosa, S. i González-Davies, M. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Education (pp. 65-80). Routledge, 2020)To be authentic and effective, the multilingual turn (May 2014; Meier 2017) should begin in the early years as it is there where “key attitudes towards other languages and cultures are formed and ... -
Switching codes in the plurilingual classroom
Corcoll López, Cristina; González Davies, María (ELT Journal,, 2016)The English as a foreign language classroom is a plurilingual setting par aexcellence since it involves at least two languages. However, plurilingual practices such as code-switching and translation ...