Recent Submissions
Report on the 1st conference on adapted judo. Beyond the limits: exploring adapted judo
(Revista de Artes Marciales Asiáticas, Vol. 19(1), 74-78, 2024-06)This report explains the main contributions of the 1st conference on adapted judo, entitled “Beyond the limits: exploring adapted judo”, organized by the Italian Federation of Judo, Wrestling, Karate ... -
The Effects of an 8-Week Cognitive–Motor Training Program on Proprioception and Postural Control Under Single and Dual Task in Older Adults: A Randomized Clinical Trial
(Healthcare, 2024, 12, 2297, 2024-11)The aim of this study was to assess the effects of an 8-week cognitive-motor training program on postural control and knee proprioception under single and dual task conditions. Design: Randomized clinical ... -
Validation of micro-strategies in the NetEdu Tool: a tool to connect educational ecosystems
(Cultura y educación, Vol. 33(3), 2021, p. 455-485, 2021)This study presents the validation of the final phase of the NetEdu Tool, an online tool targeted at promoting the social capital of networks of educational and social organizations in a region. The ... -
Exploring educational ecosystems: insights from the implementation of SchoolWeavers tool in Catalonia
(International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1–19 (2024), 2024-10)Education has undergone significant changes, leading to more complex and collaborative approaches that recognize schools as ecosystems where diverse stakeholders interact. Consequently, new processes ... -
The SchoolWeavers Tool: supporting school leaders to weave learning ecosystems
(School Leadership & Management, 41(4–5), 429–446., 2020-06)Social capital has recently emerged as an effective approach to rethink schools as wider learning ecosystems where students, teachers, and families have greater access to learning resources through ... -
Efficacy, Explore, and Exchange: Studies on Social Side of Teacher Education from England, Spain, and US
(International Journal of Educational Research, 99, 1-14, 2020)This study attempts to respond to a recent call for a more social and collaborative approach to teacher education and professional development by examining the social side of pre-service teachers during ... -
Teachers of the 21st Century. Professional Competencies in Catalonia Today
(Educational Studies, 47(2), 217–237., 2019-11)This study explores the competencies that teachers need and it aims at both determining whether teachers currently have them and proposing training strategies that can contribute to achieving them. The ... -
Changes in Catalan Adolescents’ Agility over Two Decades: A Temporal Trend Study
(Applied Sciences. 2024; 14(18):8290, 2024-09)Physical fitness is considered an important indicator of health in adolescents. Despite the recognized benefits of regular physical activity, recent studies indicate a decline in physical fitness among ... -
Improving interaction in teacher training programmes: the rise of the social dimension in pre-service teacher education
(Teachers and Teaching, 24(6), 644–658., 2018)This paper studies the social side of pre-service teacher education and draws on social network analysis to explore the relation between the social capital of pre-service teachers and their academic and ... -
Networked leadership in Educational Collaborative Networks
(Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 45(6), 1040-1059, 2016-07)Educational Collaborative Networks (ECNs) aim to achieve educational goals at the community level and base their actions on collaborative partnering between schools and community organizations. These ... -
Strengthening education through collaborative networks: leading the cultural change
(School Leadership & Management. Vol. 34, Núm. 2 (2014), 2013-12)Educational partnerships with area-based approaches comprise an increasingly well-grounded and internationally extended strategy for equitable improvement. However, literature shows a lack of focused ... -
La dansa com a experiència artística per a persones grans amb demència
(Llengua, Societat i Comunicació, Núm. 22, 2024-12)La dansa és un llenguatge corporal que pot ajudar les persones grans amb demència a mantenir-se actives, reduir el sedentarisme i participar en experiències noves. Es presenten breument quatre projectes ... -
Redes Socioeducativas promotoras de capital social en la comunidad: un marco teórico de referencia
(Cultura y educación, Vol. 23(3), 2011, p. 415-429, 2011)Les Xarxes Socioeducatives viuen avui els desajustos propis del desenvolupament de la seva praxi. El present treball pretén concretar una proposta de Xarxes Socioeducatives promotores de capital social ... -
Asesoramiento al desarrollo de redes socioeducativas locales: funciones y metodología
(Cultura y educación, Vol. 20(3), 2008, p. 303-321, 2008-01)El artículo presenta la fundamentación epistemológica desde la que se plantea el trabajo de asesoramiento al desarrollo de redes socioeducativas locales desde la pretensión de desarrollo comunitario y ... -
Validación del modelo secuencial de la herramienta Schoolweavers para transformar ecosistemas educativos
(Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 23(74)., 2023-02)La colaboración dentro de las redes educativas promueve un uso eficiente de los recursos humanos y físicos, actuando como catalizador para la innovación, el cambio y la generación de capital ... -
Tejiendo alianzas en y desde la universidad. El caso de la Facultad de Educación Blanquerna (URL)
(Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 23(74)., 2023-02)La institución universitaria se ha caracterizado habitualmente por un distanciamiento del mundo real, una tendencia a los compartimentos estancos y una considerable rigidez. El artículo ... -
Presentación del número especial de RED: “Nuevos retos, nuevas alianzas: universidades y ecosistemas educativos presenciales y virtuales”
(Revista de Educación a Distancia (RED), 23(74), 2023-02)Vivimos en una época compleja, intensa y convulsa, caracterizada por la desigualdad generalizada y la necesidad de la educación para avanzar en un mundo incierto y cambiante. En este contexto, ... -
Muscle activation during rehabilitation on artificial turf vs. sand after cruciate ligament surgery: A case series
(Apunts Sports Medicine, Vol. 55, Núm. 206, Abr.-Juny 2020, pp. 63-70, 2020-07)Performing the rehabilitation of a player on a surface different from the normally used by the athlete in her/his sport is beneficial. By recruiting more muscle fibers in the new surface, the rehabilitation ... -
Developmental Items of Human Figure Drawing: Dance/Movement Therapy for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
(American Journal of Dance Therapy, V. 37, p. 135-149 (2015), 2015-10)The purpose of this study was to identify and describe the characteristics of human figure drawing in adults with intellectual disabilities, and to evaluate the developmental items after a 3-month ... -
Anàlisi funcional del desmarcatge en el futbol
(Apunts. Educació Física i Esports 2018, núm. 132, 2n trimestre (abril-juny), pàg. 60-71, 2018-04)The lines of research which seek to understand the technical and tactical behavior of football players in game situations have two basic aspects: firstly, the fact that for most of the game a player ...