Browsing by Author "Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna"
Now showing items 1-20 of 1673
150 aniversari del naixement de Sigmund Freud: presentació
Piastro, Julieta; Foraster, Sakvador (Aloma, 2007, Núm. 20, 2007-05)La commemoració del 150 Aniversari del naixement de Sigmund Freud a Barcelona ha estat intensa. Un any ple d’activitats: conferències, taules rodones, poesia, cinema i cursos realitzats a diferents ... -
1a Jornada Esportiva Inclusiva
Usón Virgili, Maria (2018)El següent treball busca conèixer en quin estat es troba l’esport inclusiu i l’esport adaptat en la pràctica diària de les sessions d’educació física d’un centre ordinari. El municipi estudiat ha estat ... -
A comparative analysis of the processing speed between video game players and non-players
Pardina-Torner, Helena; Carbonell, Xavier; Castejón, Marcos (Aloma, 2019, Vol. 37(1), 2019)Processing speed is an essential cognitive skill in our everyday lives, and, as such, it has been extensively studied. However, there is still uncertainty as to when and how, with appropriate training, ... -
A comparison between predetermined and self-selected approaches in resistance training: effects on power performance and psychological outcomes among elite youth athletes
Watson, Kevin; Halperin, Israel; Aguilera-Castells, Joan; Dello Iacono, Antonio (PeerJ, 2020, 8:e10361, 2020-11)Background. The aim of this study was to investigate if choice over resistance training exercise order affects motor performance and psychological outcomes among elite youth hockey players. Methods. ... -
A dialogical self approach to the conceptualisation of teacher- inquirer identity
Badia, Antoni; Liesa, Eva; Becerril, Lorena; Mayoral Serrat, Paula (European Journal of Psychology of Education, Vol. 35, 2020, 2020)Over the last thirty years, a substantial number of publications have attempted to conceptualise the ways in which teachers carry out inquiries in order to affect changes in educational practice. A ... -
A literature review on bipolar disorder and how it affects a second language acquisition for EFL
Josemaria Carballo, Mireia (2020)Bipolar disorder is part of an experience of the destruction of autonomy and loss of identity that penetrates deeply into the heart of the bipolar student. Thus, bipolar students are emotionally unstable, ... -
A low-cost contact system to assess load displacement velocity in a resistance training machine
Buscà Safont-Tria, Bernat; Font, Anna (Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 2011, Núm. 10, 2017-05-22)This study sought to determine the validity of a new system for assessing the displacement and average velocity within machine-based resistance training exercise using the Chronojump System. The new ... -
A Mixed Methods Framework for Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: From Qualitative Records to a Quantitative Approach Using T-Pattern, Lag Sequential, and Polar Coordinate Analyses
Arias Pujol, Eulàlia; Anguera, M. Teresa (Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, Vol. 11, Article 1922, 2020)Conducted within a mixed methods framework, this study focuses on the conversationfacilitation role of a lead therapist during group psychotherapy with adolescents. Conversation is an essential component ... -
A new model of exercise referral scheme in primary care: is the effect on adherence to physical activity sustainable in the long term? A 15-month randomised controlled trial
Martin-Borràs, Carme; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Puig-Ribera, Anna; Martín-Cantera, Carlos; Solà-Gonfaus, Mercè; Cuesta-Vargas, A. (BMJ Open 2018;8:e017211, 2017-12)Introduction Studies had not yet overcome the most relevant barriers to physical activity (PA) adherence. An exercise referral scheme (ERS) with mechanisms to promote social support might enhance ... -
A new model of exercise referral scheme in primary care: is the effect on adherence to physical activity sustainable in the long term? A 15-month randomised controlled trial
Martin-Borràs, Carme; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Puig-Ribera, Anna; Martín-Cantera, Carlos; Solà-Gonfaus, Mercè; Cuesta-Vargas, A. (BMJ Open 2018;8:e017211, 2017-12)Introduction Studies had not yet overcome the most relevant barriers to physical activity (PA) adherence. An exercise referral scheme (ERS) with mechanisms to promote social support might enhance ... -
A Novel Approach to Reduce Sedentary Behaviour in Care Home Residents: The GET READY Study Utilising Service-Learning and Co-Creation
Giné-Garriga, Maria; Sandlund, Marlene; Dall, Philippa; Chastin, Sebastien F. M.; Pérez Testor, Susana; Skelton, Dawn A. (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(3), 418, 2019-02-01)The GET READY study aimed to integrate service-learning methodology into University degrees by offering students individual service opportunities with residential care homes, to co-create the best suited ... -
A Psychoanalytical Perspective on the Co-therapeutic Relationship With a Group of Siblings of Children With Autism: An Observational Study of Communicative Behavior Patterns
Venturella, Mariella; Carbonell, Xavier; Cabré, Víctor; Arias Pujol, Eulàlia (Frontiers in Psychology, 8 agost 2019, 2019)A child diagnosed with autism may have a negative psychological and behavioral impact on their siblings, whose participation in a group with children in the same situation is a preventive measure. Our ... -
A review of implementation and evaluation frameworks for public health interventions to inform co-creation: a Health CASCADE study
Longworth, Giuliana R.; Goh, Kunshan; Agnello, Danielle Marie; Messiha, Katrina; Beeckman, Melanie; Zapata-Restrepo, Jorge R.; Cardon, Greet; Chastin, Sebastien F. M.; Giné-Garriga, Maria (Health Research Policy and Systems (2024) 22:39, 2024)Background By including the needs and perspectives of relevant stakeholders, co-creation is seen as a promising approach for tackling complex public health problems. However, recommendations and guidance ... -
A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life
Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Schalock, Robert L. (International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ... -
A Structural Equation Model of the relationship between physical activity and quality of life
Carbó-Carreté, Maria; Guàrdia Olmos, Joan; Giné Giné, Climent, 1948-; Schalock, Robert L. (International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology (2016) 16, 147---156, 2015-12)Background/Objective: Literature shows that practicing physical activity improves the general health and quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities. However, there is little empirical ... -
Abordaje del duelo en la situación Covid-19: Una revisión sistemática
Escobar Quiles, Cristian (2021)La pandemia de Covid-19 supuso la pérdida de muchas personas en países de todo el mundo, por ello es muy probable que muchas familias se encuentren pasando por un periodo de duelo. Este proceso de duelo ... -
El abordaje familiar en tratamientos infantiles: mecanismos de defensa psicológicos de los progenitores
Forns Magriñá, Laura (2018)Los mecanismos de defensa son un conjunto de operaciones mentales inconscientes cuya función es proteger al individuo de la ansiedad que le producen ciertos pensamientos, sentimientos, deseos, etc., ... -
Abordaje psicoterapéutico grupal de una niña con TEA para potenciar sus habilidades sociales
García Zamora, Ana (2022)El presente estudio de caso analiza la eficacia de un tratamiento grupal para niños diagnosticados de TEA cuyo objetivo es trabajar y potenciar sus habilidades sociales. En primer lugar, se contextualiza ... -
Abordatge de l'autoestima, l'autoconcepte i la identitat en una persona transsexual
Romero Pujadas, Sara (2022)El present treball té com a finalitat exposar l’abordatge de la identitat i millora de l’autoestima i de l’autoconcepte en el cas d’una pacient transsexual, com a variables influents en la millora de ... -
Abriendo puertas al uso auténtico del inglés. Los momentos cotidianos en la escuela
Corcoll López, Cristina; Flores, Carme (Aula de infantil, núm. 78(2014), p. 31-35, 2014-11)En este artículo se presenta una propuesta de introducción del inglés en la etapa de educa ción infantil que quiere ser coherente con las características y necesidades de la etapa, y efec tiva en su ...