Social STEAM Learning at an Early Age with Robotic Platforms: A Case Study in Four Schools in Spain
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Robotics is one of the key learnings in a world where learners will interact with multiple robotic technologies and operating systems throughout their lives. However, school teachers, especially in the elementary and primary education stages, often have difficulties incorporating these tools in the classroom. Four elementary teachers in three schools in Catalonia were trained to introduce robotics in the classroom to seventy-five students. The main actions consisted in classroom accompaniment by a university-trained support teacher, curricular materials’ development, and assessment of the students’ and teachers’ learning. The designed contents and evaluation criteria took into account the potential of educational robotics to improve soft skills and to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) interdisciplinary learning. Teachers perceived the training to be supportive and useful and ended the school year feeling confident with the used robotic platform (KIBO). The assessment of the students’ learning showed an average mark of 7.1–7.7 over 10 in the final evaluation criteria. Moreover, students’ learning was higher in the classes where the teachers had higher initial interest in the training. We present and analyse the actions carried out, with a critical and constructive look at extending the experience to other educational centers.
Document Type
Published version
Subject (CDU)
37 - Education
62 - Engineering. Technology in general
68 - Industries, crafts and trades for finished or assembled articles
Robòtica -- Ensenyament
Educació infantil -- Innovacions tecnològiques
Interacció persona-robot
21 p.
Is part of
Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20 No 13
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