Browsing by Author "Figlioli, Aline"
Now showing items 1-20 of 45
1st International Workshop on Media Studies and Implementations that help Improving Access to Disabled Users (MSIADU’09)
García Pañella, Óscar; Villegas Portero, Eva; Duran, Jaume; Figlioli, Aline (Proceedings of the 17h ACM International Conference on Multimedia, 2009-10)This Workshop is based on the work carried out during the 3rd International Workshop on Human-Centered Computing (HCC08) held at the ACM Multimedia 2008 conference in Vancouver [1]. There, participants ... -
3,4-Methylenedioxy methamphetamine, synthetic cathinones and psychedelics: From recreational to novel psychotherapeutic drugs
López-Arnau, Raúl; Camarasa, Jordi; Carbó, Marcel·lí; Nadal Gratacós, Núria; Puigseslloses, Pol; Espinosa Velasco, María; Urquizu, Edurne; Figlioli, Aline; Pubill, David (Frontiers in Psychiatry, 2022)The utility of classical drugs used to treat psychiatric disorders (e.g., antidepressants, anxiolytics) is often limited by issues of lack of efficacy, delayed onset of action or side effects. Psychoactive ... -
A Privacy-Oriented Local Web Learning Analytics JavaScript Library with a Configurable Schema to Analyze Any Edtech Log: Moodle’s Case Study
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Cea Torrescassana, Sandra; Jiménez Burayag, Nicole Marie; Gómez Ponce, Pablo; Figlioli, Aline (Sustainability, 2021, 13 (9), 2021-05)Educational institutions are transferring analytics computing to the cloud to reduce costs.Any data transfer and storage outside institutions involve serious privacy concerns, such as studentidentity ... -
A Systematic Review of Current Strategies and Methods for BIM Implementation in the Academic Field
Besné Yanguas, Alia; Pérez, Miguel Ángel; Necchi, Silvia; Peña Camarillas, Enric; Navarro Delgado, Isidro; Redondo Domínguez, Ernesto; Figlioli, Aline (Applied Sciences, 2021, 11 (12), 2021-06)Since the international governmental institutions required and/or recommended (accord-ing to the regulations of each country and continent) all public works to be certified in the BIM(Building Information ... -
A Zebrafish Model of Neurotoxicity by Binge-Like Methamphetamine Exposure
Bedrossiantz, Juliette; Bellot, Marina; Domínguez García, Pol; Faria, Melissa; Prats, Eva; Gómez Canela, Cristian; López-Arnau, Raúl; Figlioli, Aline; Raldúa, Demetrio (Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2021-11-22)Hyperthermia is a common confounding factor for assessing the neurotoxic effects of methamphetamine (METH) in mammalian models. The development of new models of methamphetamine neurotoxicity using ... -
Accesibilidad Web en entornos culturales
Navarro, Isidro; Figlioli, Aline (Actas de Conferencia Iadis Ibero-Americana. WWW/ Internet, 2008-12)La página WEB de cualquier institución se ha convertido en los últimos años en un referente comunicativo de sus actividades. Si nos centramos en el mundo de la cultura, los museos siguen siendo un ... -
Analítica académica aplicada al estudio de la relación entre el perfil inicial de los estudiantes universitarios y las tasas de abandono temprano
Llauró, Alba; Figlioli, Aline; Romero, Susana; Torres, Jorge (Actes de la 3a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2023-01-25)Los estudiantes que ingresaron a la universidad en los últimos dos años han completado sus estudios preuniversitarios en varios períodos de confinamiento y una combinación de formación convencional y ... -
Assessment of Augmented Visualization Methods in Multimedia Engineering Education
Figlioli, Aline; Redondo, Ernest; Villagrasa, Sergi; Canaleta, Xavi (International Journal of Engineering Education. Vol 31, Nº 3, 2015-04)This paper presents a mixed-method study that combines quantitative and qualitative techniques to evaluate the technological profile and the motivation and satisfaction of Multimedia Engineering degree ... -
Behavioural and neurochemical effects after repeated administration of N-ethylpentylone (ephylone) in mice
Espinosa Velasco, María; Reguilón, Marina D.; Bellot, Marina; Nadal Gratacós, Núria; Berzosa Rodríguez, Xavier; Puigseslloses, Pol; Gómez Canela, Cristian; Rodríguez Arias, Marta; Pubill, David; Camarasa, Jordi; Figlioli, Aline; López-Arnau, Raúl (Journal of Neurochemistry, 2022, 160(2), 218-233, 2022)N-ethyl-pentylone (NEP), also known as ‘ephylone’ and N-ethylnorpentylone, has been identified as one of the most recent novel psychostimulants to emerge into the illicit drug market and it has been ... -
Computational thinking and educational robotics integrated into project-based learning
Valls Pou, Albert; Canaleta, Xavi; Figlioli, Aline (Sensors, 2022-05-14)In the context of the science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics disciplines in education, subjects tend to use contextualized activities or projects. Educational robotics and computational ... -
Design of interactive and collaborative learning units using TICs in architectural construction education
Marti Audi, Nuria; Figlioli, Aline; Peña, Enric; Adroer, Marta; Simón Grábalos, David (Revista de la Construcción. Journal of Construction, 2017-03-23)In the new context of the Information Society and online learning, offering architectural education based on interactive and collaborative methodologies can generate professionals capable of combining ... -
Educating urban designers using augmented reality and mobile learning technologies
Redondo, Ernesto; Figlioli, Aline; Sanchez Riera, Albert; Navarro, Isidro (La Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación Digital (RIED), 2017-01-07)This paper describes an educational experience using augmented reality (AR) on mobile devices as a tool for learning urban design concepts and specifically for architecture degree students. ... -
Educational warehouse: modular, private and secure cloudable architecture system for educational data storage, analysis and acces
Amo Filvà, Daniel; Gómez, Pablo; Hernández-Ibáñez, Luis A.; Figlioli, Aline (Applied sciences, 2021-01-16)Data in the educational context are becoming increasingly important in decision-making and teaching-learning processes. Similar to the industrial context, educational institutions are adopting data-processing ... -
Enseñanza basada en dispositivos móviles. Nuevos retos en la docencia de la representación arquitectónica. Caso de estudio: Los Tianguis de Tonalá, Jalisco, México
Redondo, Ernest; Figlioli, Aline; Valls, Francesc; Olivares, Adriana (EGA. Revista de expresión gráfica arquitectónica, 2016-05-09)Presentamos un estudio de caso de investigación educativa centrado en la visualización y acceso a contenidos docentes de forma ubicua en dispositivos multimedia móviles. El tema de estudio es el proyecto ... -
Evaluación del método Scenario Centered Curriculum en función del perfil tecnológico del estudiante
Figlioli, Aline; Climent Ferrer, August; Canaleta, Xavi (Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS)3, 2016-12-16)En el presente artículo se presentan los resultados obtenidos de evaluar la usabilidad del método Scenario Centered Curriculum (SCC) y el grado de satisfacción de los estudiantes con el mismo, en función ... -
Evolución de la autorregulación del aprendizaje del alumnado de primer curso 2022-23 de grado de arquitectura. Estudio longitudinal
Simón Grábalos, David; Figlioli, Aline; Necchi, Silvia; Amo Filvà, Daniel; Martínez-Felipe, María; Alaez, Marian (Actes de la 4a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2024-01-24) -
Facial Animation and motion capture: key role for the communication
Villagrasa, Sergi; Duran, Jaume; Figlioli, Aline (Proceedings of the 2nd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2008-06)In the last 100 years we have observed a great development of the technology. This development applied to the mass media as the radio, the cinema, the television, or Internet have influence in the ... -
First Day of Class Activities implemented at La Salle URL in line with the New Learning Context
Iriondo, Ignasi; Petchamé, Josep; Villegas, Eva; Figlioli, Aline (Actes de la 2a Jornada de Recerca, Docència i Innovació Docent, 2022-03-23)This document presents the impact that the first session of class of a subject may have on students, in line with the objectives of the New Learning Context (NLC) implemented at La Salle Universitat ... -
Gamification and hazard communication in virtual reality: a qualitative study
Cavalcanti, Janaina; Valls, Victor; Contero, Manuel; Figlioli, Aline (Sensors, 2021-07-07)An effective warning attracts attention, elicits knowledge, and enables compliance behavior. Game mechanics, which are directly linked to human desires, stand out as training, evaluation, and improvement ... -
Gamification in higher education: the learning perspective
Ferreira, Maria João; Moreira, Fernando; Figlioli, Aline (Experiences and perceptions of pedagogical practices with Game-Based Learning & Gamification, 2019-09)During the last decades there has been a great development of utilitarian systems, applied to the most varied areas, in which games are found. Digital games (or video games) entered everyday life at ...