Browsing by Author "Jurado Cojo, Elena"
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Acompañamiento a profesores de Infantil para integrar la robótica en el aula: experiencia realizada en cuatro escuelas en Cataluña
Jurado Cojo, Elena; Fonseca Escudero, David; Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier (2019-10-09)En este estudio se presenta el acompañamiento formativo a cuatro profesores de Infantil en tres escuelas de Cataluña durante el año escolar 2017/2018 con el objetivo de introducir robótica en sus clases. ... -
Más allá del DIY (Do It Yourself)
Jurado Cojo, Elena (Deconstruyendo el Manifiesto Maker, 2017-01) -
Microstructure observations during the spring 2011 STRATIPHYT-II cruise in the northeast Atlantic
Jurado Cojo, Elena; Dijkstra, Henk A.; van der Woerd, Hendrik Jan (Ocean Science, 2012, Vol. 8, No 6 (Novembre), 2012-11-07)Small-scale temperature and conductivity varia-tions have been measured in the upper 100 m of the northeastAtlantic during the STRATIPHYT-II cruise (Las Palmas–Reykjavik, 6 April–3 May 2011). ... -
Social STEAM Learning at an Early Age with Robotic Platforms: A Case Study in Four Schools in Spain
Jurado Cojo, Elena; Fonseca Escudero, David; Canaleta Llampallas, Xavier; Coderch, Jorge (Sensors, 2020, Vol. 20 No 13, 2020-07)Robotics is one of the key learnings in a world where learners will interact with multiple robotic technologies and operating systems throughout their lives. However, school teachers, especially in the ...