Enviaments recents
Pornography Consumption Among Young People: An Assessment of Parents’ and Teachers’ Training Needs
(Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2025, 2025-01)Introduction In Spain and Italy, it is estimated that childrens’ frst contact with pornography can occur before the age of 10 years. Minors in this position lack the emotional tools necessary to analyze ... -
Video Game Structural Features Are Related to Internet Gaming Disorder and Motivations of Play: Design and Validation of the Video Game Structure Scale (VGSS)
(International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction (2025), 2025-01)Structural characteristics of video games influence the development of maladaptive behavioral patterns such as Internet gaming disorder (IGD). The aim of this study was to develop and validate a tool ... -
Cultural adaptation and psychometric analysis of Communication Activities of Daily Living third edition in Spanish and Catalan for people with aphasia
(International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 59, 2844–2857, 2024-10)Background: In the Spanish and Catalan context, there is currently a lack of standardized, linguistically adapted tools to assess people with communication disorders. This lack is especially evident ... -
Efficacy Assessment of a Training Pilot Program on Gender Equality for Teachers
(Revista Fuentes 2025, 27(1), 31-46, 2024-01)Background. Gender equality education in schools is the most effective tool to combat inequality and gender-based violence (GBV). Teachers often lack the necessary equality knowledge and skills. ... -
Family-centered practices and the parental well-being of young children with disabilities and developmental delay
(Research in Developmental Disabilities, Volume 94, November 2019, 103495, 2019-11)Background Research evidence from studies in North America on the relationships between family-centered practices, parents’ self-efficacy beliefs, parenting confidence and competence beliefs, and ... -
The Spanish Family Quality of Life Scales under and over 18 Years Old: Psychometric Properties and Families’ Perceptions
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21), 2020-10)Background: Family quality of life (FQoL), just like individual quality of life, has become a priority outcome in the policies and services received by persons with intellectual and developmental ... -
Urban elements that facilitat esport and physical activity in regenerated públic spaces: Barcelona's waterfront
(Wise, N. & Harris, J. (coord.). (2017). Sport, Events, Tourism and Regeneration. Routledge, 2017-07)Investments in sport, events and tourism in cities and wider regions are part of nascent regeneration strategies linked to transitioning economic bases and place images. While it is important to consider ... -
Turismo deportivo: Una oportunidad para los territorios locales en un contexto global. Un estudio Delphi
(Retos, 42, 77–88, 2021-10)Este estudio es un proyecto de investigación que se centra en las oportunidades que ofrece el turismo deportivo para dinamizar las regiones locales en un contexto global. Los datos de la investigación ... -
Physical therapy after spinal cord injury: A systematic review of treatments focused on participation
(The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, 37(4), 371–379, 2014-01)Context Over the last four decades, the focus of spinal cord injury (SCI) rehabilitation has shifted from medical management to issues that affect quality of life and community participation. Physical ... -
Análisis de la eficacia del patrocinio de WorldSBK desde la perspectiva de los asistentes en el campeonato de Jerez
(Retos, 50, 205-214, 2023-09)El uso del patrocinio ha aumentado en los últimos años, especialmente en el sector deportivo. Las empresas de todo el mundo realizan inversiones masivas en patrocinios deportivos, por lo que es importante ... -
El efecto de la edad relativa en el hockey patines de alto nivel en España
(Cultura, Ciencia y Deporte, 19(62), 2196, 2024-10)La influencia de la distribución de los nacimientos de los deportistas en los diferentes períodos del año sobre el rendimiento deportivo se llama efecto de la edad relativa. La presente investigación ... -
Is loneliness a predictor of the modern geriatric giants? Analysis from the survey of health, ageing, and retirement in Europe
(Maturitas, Volume 144, 93 - 101, 2020-12)Background The modern Geriatric Giants have evolved to encompass four new syndromes, of frailty (linked to fatigue and physical inactivity), sarcopenia, anorexia of ageing, and cognitive impairment. ... -
Prácticum Indagador y Video Enhance Observation (VEO) en la Formación de Maestros
(Praxis & Saber, 15(41), 1–17., 2024-09)El estudio analiza cómo las mentoras de los centros de prácticas y las tutoras universitarias valoran una propuesta de prácticum basado en la indagación los estudiantes del Grado en ... -
Moving towards preservice teachers’ implementation of universal design for learning: the central role of self-efficacy
(Teachers and Teaching, 2024, 1–19, 2024-02)As Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has emerged as a reference model to facilitate inclusive education, recent policies have stated the need to strengthen its use in schools and to train preservice ... -
Video-Based Feedback for Collaborative Reflection among Mentors, University Tutors and Students
(Education sciences, 2023, 13, 879., 2023-08)Using video technology to support individual and collaborative reflection in pre-service teacher education is an increasingly common practice. This paper explores the type of teaching practice challenges ... -
Identidad del profesional de la orientación educativa en el contexto colombiano: rol, funciones y posicionamientos
(REOP - Revista Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía, 34(2), 7–28., 2023-07)La finalidad de este estudio es describir la identidad profesional de un grupo de profesionales de la orientación educativa en el contexto colombiano a partir de las funciones que desempeñan y cómo se ... -
Semiparametric modeling for the cardiometabolic risk index and individual risk factors in the older adult population: A novel proposal
(PLOS ONE, 19(4): e0299032., 2024-04)The accurate monitoring of metabolic syndrome in older adults is relevant in terms of its early detection, and its management. This study aimed at proposing a novel semiparametric modeling for a ... -
Reasons and External Factors That Influence Access to University and Job Placement Programs for Individuals with Intellectual Disability
(Behavioral Sciences, 2023, 13(9), 2023-09)Despite the rapid growth in inclusive university programs, access to inclusive higher education is still limited for students with intellectual disability (ID). This article explores the perspectives ... -
School administrators’ perceptions of democratic coexistence in Catalan schools: An analytical study
(South African Journal of Education, 42(2), 1-17, 2022-05)In democratic societies, education should help build a participative, critical and responsible citizenry and therefore promote the role of schools as settings where students learn democratic coexistence. ... -
Does reciprocal peer observation promote the transfer of learning to teaching practice?
(Psychology in the Schools. 2024;61:3873–3890., 2024-06)This paper investigates whether Reciprocal Peer Observation is an effective practice for promoting Teacher Professional Development. It focuses on analysing the Improvement Goals transfer processes ...