Mostrando ítems 61-80 de 937

    • Influencia de la fatiga sobre la toma de decisiones en los árbitros principales de fútbol 

      Peralta-Geis, Mariona; Arboix Alió, Jordi; Cabedo Sanromà, Josep; Mirabet, Raquel (SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 10(2), 164–175., 2021-08)
      Objectives: The main objective of this study was to analyse the incidence of fatigue in decision-making in Catalan football’ referees. Secondary objectives were to assess the incidence of fatigue according ...
    • Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Active and Non-Active Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Comparative Study 

      Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Tamulevicius, Nauris; Guerra Balic, Míriam (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(10), 1761, 2019-05)
      This study describes and compares physical activity (PA) levels and sedentary time (ST) of active (AG) and a non-active (NAG) groups of adults with intellectual disability (ID) versus a group of adults ...
    • ¿Y después de la escuela qué? El Modelo de desarrollo de la autodeterminación para la carrera profesional 

      Andrés Gárriz, Clara; Dean, Evan E.; Mumbardó, Cristina; Farriols Hernando, Núria; Gómez Hinojosa, Antonia Maria; Pretel Luque, Teresa; Shogren, Karrie A. (Revista Española De Discapacidad, 11(2), 67-84, 2023-12)
      La situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y/o del desarrollo en España resulta alarmante. A pesar de las numerosas ventajas de contratar a per-sonas con discapacidad intelectual ...
    • Quality of life, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in black African women: B-Healthy project 

      Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Tamulevicius, Nauris; Onagbiye, S.O.; Phidza, M.; Sedumedi, C.; Cameron, M.; Moss, S.J. (Quality of Life Research (2020) 29:987–997, 2019-11)
      Purpose To study the associations between physical activity (PA), cardiorespiratory ftness (CRF), and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in black African women from a low socioeconomic community ...
    • Reflections on the reception of attachment theory by psychoanalysts. A review of publications 

      Castillo Garayoa, José Antonio; Echevarría Pérez, Ramón (The International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 104(3), 509-526., 2023-07)
      This article explores the reception and response of the psychoanalytic community to attachment theory by reviewing articles, with 'attachment' as a keyword, published up until December 2020 in the top ...
    • Stages of change and engagement in a family intervention 

      Castillo Garayoa, José Antonio; Montes-Vallecillos, Anna; Perales-Echevarría, Arantxa; Sánchez-Velasco, Almudena; Medina-Cervera, Sergio (Child & Family Social Work. 2020; 25: 45–52., 2019-05)
      Prochaska and DiClemente's stages of change model facilitate understanding of engagement difficulties in psychosocial intervention processes. We assessed the link between stages of family change and ...
    • The Effects of Postural Training on Gait Kinematics in Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 

      Bahiraei, Saeid; Oviedo, Guillermo R.; Hosseini, Elham (Symmetry 2023, 15(5), 1062, 2023-05)
      This study examines the effects and durability of postural exercise on gait kinematics in people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs). Thirty-four men with mild IDDs were assigned ...
    • Effects of exercise programs on cardiovascular responses in individuals with down syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Bahiraei, Saeid; Ghaderi, Mahbanou; Sharifian, Esmail; Sepehri Far, Sara; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Preventive Medicine Reports, 36 (2023) 102521, 2023-11)
      The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis of exercise interventions designed to improve cardiovascular responses in individuals with DS. A search for relevant articles ...
    • Group Psychotherapy; exploring change with CCRT 

      López-i-Martín, Xavier; Castillo Garayoa, José Antonio; Cabré, Víctor (The Arts in Psychotherapy, Volume 63, April 2019, Pages 46-50, 2019-07)
      This is an exploratory study where the CCRT method was applied to assess changes in interpersonal relationship patterns in a scenetherapy group. Scenetherapy uses dramatization and improvisation as ...
    • La formación y el desarrollo profesional del docente en un contexto digital híbrido: retos y oportunidades desde la perspectiva de sus competencias 

      Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel; Sangrà, Albert; Palau, Ramon; Riera Romaní, Jordi; Roig, Rosabel; Sarramona, Jaume; Trujillo, Fernando (Gisbert Cervera, M., Lázaro Cantabrana, J.L. i Esteve-González, V. (coords.) (2022) Investigar e innovar en la era digital: aportaciones desde la tecnología educativa (pp. 45-59). Editorial Octaedro, 2022-11)
    • Stress and coping in times of pandemic: Longitudinal follow-up of a group of medical patients 

      Maestre-Lorén, Francesc; López-i-Martín, Xavier; Castillo Garayoa, José Antonio; Cosentino, Marco (Ansiedad y Estrés 28(2), (2022), p. 115-121, 2022-04)
      The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted the mental health and medical care of patients with pre-existing conditions. We longitudinally evaluated perceived stress, psychological distress, and coping strategies ...
    • Diseño y aplicación de la flipped classroom: Experiencias y orientaciones en educación primaria y en la formación inicial de maestros 

      Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel; Simón Llovet, Jordi; Ojando, Elena Sofia; Àvila, Xavier; Cervera, Núria; Britos, Carolina de; Martínez, Eva; Miralpeix, Antoni; Pérez, Anna; Perdigués, Bernadette (2017-06)
      Més enllà de la simple incorporació tecnològica en els centres educatius, el debat de fons rau a trobar una veritable renovació metodològica i una transformació educativa que permeti estar a l’alçada ...
    • Impact of the COVID-19 Confinement on Couple Satisfaction and Sexuality 

      Torres-Cruz, Dagmarie; Aznar-Martínez, Berta; Pérez Testor, Carles (Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 48:4, 363-375, 2021-11)
      This study examined dyadic adjustment, which is an essential aspect for a couple’s functioning, and its relationship with sexual self-esteem during COVID-19 confinement. This article presents data from ...
    • Psychological Distress in Erectile Dysfunction: The Moderating Role of Attachment 

      Maestre-Lorén, Francesc; Castillo Garayoa, José Antonio; López-i-Martín, Xavier; Sarquella-Geli, Joaquim; Andrés Valle, Ana; Cifre, Ignacio (Sexual Medicine, Volume 9, Issue 5, October 2021, Page 1, 2021-09)
      ntroduction: In clinical consultations, men with erectile dysfunction do not always express personal, sexual, and interpersonal concerns. Aim: We explore whether the attenuated impact of erectile ...
    • Rasgos de personalidad y burnout en médicos de familia 

      Cebrià Andreu, Jordi; Segura Bernal, Jordi; Corbella Santomà, Sergi; Sos, P.; Comas, O.; García, M.; Rodríguez, C.; Pardo, M.J.; Pérez, J. (Atención Primaria, Vol. 27. Núm. 7. 30 de abril 2001, 2001-04)
      Objetivo. Investigar los rasgos de personalidad que podrían asociarse con puntuaciones altas en las escalas de burnout (Maslach Burnout Inventory) en médicos de atención primaria. Diseño. Estudio ...
    • School head teachers' views of the drive towards educational innovation in Catalonia 

      Díaz-Gibson, Jordi; Cívis, Mireia; Fontanet Caparrós, Annabel; López, Susana; Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel (Cultura y educación, Vol. 31, 2019, p. 640-670, 2019-08)
      Today, educational change and innovation are a clear priority in educational centres across the world. This article analyses the strengths and opportunities presented by the process of educational ...
    • Viure en digital: Com eduquem per al món d’avui 

      Prats Fernández, Miquel Angel (2022-02)
      La transformació digital genera oportunitats, pero tambe amenaces, com ara una societat mal preparada per al futur. L'educació pot beneficiar-se de l'obertura de les aules, d'experiencies i projectes ...
    • La interacció escolar des de la perspectiva coeducativa 

      Aznar-Martínez, Berta (Guix, Núm. 489 (juny 2022), p. 65, 2022-06)
      La coeducació és l’eina més eficaç per promoure la igualtat d’oportunitats en els aprenentatges. Les competències bàsiques estan formades per quatre components: factuals, conceptuals, pro- cedimentals ...
    • Psicoterapias humanistas: Una mirada actual 

      Segura Bernal, Jordi; Fernández Puig, Victòria M.; Barnet, Sílvia; Darder, Mireia; Farriols Hernando, Núria; Gimeno-Bayón, Ana; Herrera Jofre, Josep Maria; Gil Ojeda, Eulalia; Manresa, Carol; Martínez Rodríguez, José Manuel; Pla Vila, Fina; Pérez Testor, Susana; Rosal Cortés, Ramón; Vilardell Llargués, Montserrat; Visiers-Würth, Cristina (2022-02)
      En este libro se hace un recorrido por las psicoterapias humanistas que, en el extenso mapa de las psicoterapias, han significado: a) la capacidad para romper los esquemas vigentes sobre la concepción ...
    • Plurilingualism and using languages to learn languages: a sequential approach to deal effectively with language diversity 

      Corcoll López, Cristina (Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 2021, vol. 15, n.1, 42-51, 2021)
      After years of controversy and terminological debate, the plurilingual approach is now well accepted by language teaching communities. Still, doubts concerning how the plurilingual approach can shape ...