Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l'Educació i de l'Esport Blanquerna: Recent submissions
Now showing items 81-100 of 970
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
(Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024-02)Background : Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Mobile applications to prescribe physical exercise in frail older adults: review of the available tools in app stores
(2023-12)Introduction: Different remote interventions, such as applications (apps), have been used to continue promoting healthy ageing and preventing disability during the COVID-19 pandemic. The growing trend ... -
Assessing family relations in borderline personality disorder: A relational approach
(Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 2024;1–13, 2024-02)The aims of the current study are to describe the basic family relationships, parental bonding patterns, and dyadic adjustment of families with offspring diagnosed with borderline personality disorder ... -
Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation and Sleep Problems in ADHD with and without Pharmacological Treatment
(Journal of Attention Disorders, 26(3), 426-433, 2021-01)Objective: The purpose of this study is to analyse DESR and its influence on sleep parameters in three different groups of children and adolescents: a group newly diagnosed with ADHD naïve, a group ... -
Implementing spiritual care at the end of life in Spain
(European Journal of Palliative Care, 2016, 23(2), 2016)In recent decades, Spain, traditionally a Catholic country, has gone through a sharp secularisation process. The latest figures show that approximately 70% of the adult population declare themselves to ... -
Efectos del tratamiento farmacológico estimulante sobre los patrones de actividad circadiana en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad
(Revista de Neurología, 2020; 71: 438-46, 2020)Introducción. El trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad (TDAH) es uno de los trastornos mentales más comunes en la infancia. Los síntomas nucleares del TDAH se tratan con estimulantes como ... -
Development and Validation of a NewTool for the Assessment and Spiritual Care of Palliative Care Patients
(Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, Vol.47, No. 6 June 2014, 2014-06)Context: Spiritual assessment tools and interventions based on holistic approaches are needed to promote healing. Such tools must be adapted to the wide cultural backgrounds of contemporary Western ... -
Cuestionarios de evaluación e intervención espiritual en cuidados paliativos: una revisión crítica
(Medicina Paliativa, 2014;21(2):62---74, 2013-04)Objetivo El presente estudio tiene 2 objetivos. El primero, ofrecer una revisión de las herramientas de medida de espiritualidad en el contexto español de los cuidados paliativos. El segundo, comparar ... -
¿Cómo percibimos los profesionales el acompañamiento espiritual en los equipos de Cuidados Paliativos en España?
(Medicina Paliativa, 2016;23(2):63---71, 2013-11)Objetivo: Describir y analizar cómo se realiza el acompa˜ namiento espiritual en equipos de Cuidados Paliativos en nuestro país, desde la perspectiva de profesionales motivados, y evaluar posibles áreas ... -
Modelos de adaptación a la muerte y transformación
(Monografías SECPAL, Núm. 6: Espiritualidad en Clínica Una Propuesta de Evaluación y acompañamiento Espiritual en Cuidados Paliativos, 2014) -
El acompañamiento espiritual en cuidados paliativos: una introducción y propuesta
(2009)Nadie, ni tú ni yo, somos la esperanza: pero toda persona puede ser el eco de la esperanza, y éste puede ser el horizonte de las personas que se encuentran ante la proximidad de un ser humano al final ... -
Effects of a Long-Term Adapted Judo Program on the Health-Related Physical Fitness of Children with ASD
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(24), 16731, 2022-12)Physical fitness is one of the most important physical and mental health aspects for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). This study aimed to test the effects of a long-term adapted judo program ... -
Doctoral candidates' research writing perceptions: a cross-national study
(Internationa Journal of Doctoral Studies, Vol. 13, 2018, pp. 327-345, 2018)Aim/Purpose This study aimed to explore individual variation in doctoral candidates’ perceptions about research writing and themselves as writers (research writing perceptions) across three countries ... -
Writing regulation processes in Higher Education: A review of two decades of empirical research
(Reading and Writing (2018) 31:757–777, 2017-11)In Higher Education (HE), writers need to regulate their writing processes in order to achieve their communicative goals. Although critical for academic success and knowledge construction, writing ... -
Being a researcher is not only a matter of publishing: learning to review scientific articles
(Journal for the Study of Education and Development, 40:3, 599-656, 2017-09)This study, which is part of the call for junior reviewers from Infancia & Aprendizaje (I&A), aims to contribute to the scarce literature on peer review processes by developing and analysing a training ... -
Why do students consider dropping out of doctoral degrees? Institutional and personal factors
(Higher Education, 74, 1053-1068, 2017-01)Despite the increasing popularity of doctoral education, many students do not complete their studies, and very little information is available about them. Understanding why some students consider that ... -
Influencia de la fatiga sobre la toma de decisiones en los árbitros principales de fútbol
(SPORT TK-Revista EuroAmericana de Ciencias del Deporte, 10(2), 164–175., 2021-08)Objectives: The main objective of this study was to analyse the incidence of fatigue in decision-making in Catalan football’ referees. Secondary objectives were to assess the incidence of fatigue according ... -
Physical Activity and Sedentary Time in Active and Non-Active Adults with Intellectual Disability: A Comparative Study
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019, 16(10), 1761, 2019-05)This study describes and compares physical activity (PA) levels and sedentary time (ST) of active (AG) and a non-active (NAG) groups of adults with intellectual disability (ID) versus a group of adults ... -
¿Y después de la escuela qué? El Modelo de desarrollo de la autodeterminación para la carrera profesional
(Revista Española De Discapacidad, 11(2), 67-84, 2023-12)La situación laboral de las personas con discapacidad intelectual y/o del desarrollo en España resulta alarmante. A pesar de las numerosas ventajas de contratar a per-sonas con discapacidad intelectual ... -
Quality of life, physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness in black African women: B-Healthy project
(Quality of Life Research (2020) 29:987–997, 2019-11)Purpose To study the associations between physical activity (PA), cardiorespiratory ftness (CRF), and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in black African women from a low socioeconomic community ...