The where and the who of HRM decision-making: HRM decentralization and devolution
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Purpose – HRM decentralization and devolution have been highlighted as key HRM processes in
organizations’ quest for increased flexibility. Although they have been extensively studied in the MNC and
International HRM literature, they have mainly been examined on a separate basis, and their definition and
operationalization have often been confused. Thus, we first clarify the difference between the two concepts by
refining the definitions by Hoogendoorn and Brewster (1992), and then empirically examine how they are
Design/methodology/approach – The relationship between HRM decentralization and devolution is
examined by means of a survey in a large multi-country sample of multi-unit organizations.
Findings – Regarding our clarification objective, we contend that devolution has to do with who takes
responsibilities for HRM (i.e. line managers or HRM professionals) while decentralization refers to where HRM
responsibilities are allocated (i.e. headquarters or increasingly local units). Regarding the relationship between
the two concepts, the results show that higher levels of HRM decentralization are related to higher levels of
devolution, but this association is attenuated in organizations with more powerful HRM departments.
Originality/value – The study contributes to theory and practice by disentangling, at the conceptual,
operational, empirical and practical levels, two different but related HRM decisions (how much to devolve and
how much to decentralize HRM) that organizations must make to efficiently cope with the characteristics of
their own structure and competitive environment. It highlights the role of the relative power of HRM
departments in how HRM responsibilities are ultimately distributed across the organization.
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Palabras clave
HRM function
21 p.
Publicado por
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Publicado en
Employee Relations
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