Effect on satiety-related biomarkers of bar snacks containing chickpea flour and pork protein
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This project aims to establish the acceptability and satiety of a hybrid snack containing plant protein and a small percentage of animal protein compared to a meat-based snack. Design: Randomised, crossover, double-blind, controlled post-prandial trial involving 24 participants (18–30 years), with two interventions: (a) a hybrid snack containing plant protein derived from chickpeas and 6.6% lean high-quality pork meat; and (b) a meat-based snack containing 90% lean pork meat. Methods: General, life-style, sensory acceptability questionnaire, and the following laboratory analyses were performed: lipid profile, endocannabinoids, and related compounds. Results: Sensory questionnaires showed in general good acceptability for both bars. Additionally, there was a greater increase in glycemia at 30, 60, and 90 min after consuming the hybrid snack compared to the meat-based snack, with no changes in the lipid profile. Regarding the endocannabinoid compounds and related compounds, the compound N-palmitoleoyl ethanolamine in the acylethanolamide group showed higher levels overall following the consumption of the hybrid snack compared to the meat-based snack, particularly at 2 h. Conclusions: The hybrid snack was associated with changes in endocannabinoid-like compounds. Therefore, it may provide a lasting satiating effect, while complementing the protein profile of plant-based foods with the quality of animal protein.
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Paraules clau
Proteïnes vegetals
Compostos endocannabinoides
12 p.
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Nutrients, 2024, 16(18): 3180
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info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/SUR del DEC/SGR/2021 SGR 00144
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