Browsing by Author "Universitat Ramon Llull. Facultat de Ciències de la Salut Blanquerna"
Now showing items 1-20 of 333
A comparison of European countries FBDG in the light of their contribution to tackle diet-related health inequalities
Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Boeckx, Hilde; Penne, Tess; Palma-Linares, Imma; Storms, Bérénice; Goedemé, Tim (European Journal of Public Health, 2020, 30(2): 346-353, 2019-08)Background: The purpose of this article is to report on a comparative analysis of the official food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) that were applicable in 2015 in 25 EU Member States. We assess FBDG ... -
A lifestyle intervention with an energy-restricted Mediterranean diet and physical activity enhances HDL function: a substudy of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized controlled trial
Sanllorente Melenchon, Albert; Soria Florido, María Trinidad; Castañer, Olga; Lassale, Camille; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; Subirana, Isaac; Ros Rahola, Emilio; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Tinahones Madueño, Francisco J.; Hernáez, Álvaro; Fitó Colomer, Montserrat (The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 2021, 114(5): 1666-1674, 2021-11)Background Consumption of a Mediterranean diet, adequate levels of physical activity, and energy-restricted lifestyle interventions have been individually associated with improvements in HDL functions. ... -
A methodological review revealed that reporting of trials in manual therapy has not improved over time
Alvarez Bustins, Gerard; Solà, Ivan; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; Fort Vanmeerhaeghe, Azahara; Gich Saladich, Ignasi; Fernández-Jané, Carles; Bonfill, X. (Xavier); Urrútia, Gerard (Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2020, 121: 32-44, 2020-05)Objective: The aim of this review was to evaluate a selection of major reporting aspects in manual therapy (MT) trials, before and after the publication of the CONSORT extension for non-pharmacological ... -
A new model of exercise referral scheme in primary care: is the effect on adherence to physical activity sustainable in the long term? A 15-month randomised controlled trial
Martin-Borràs, Carme; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Puig-Ribera, Anna; Martín-Cantera, Carlos; Solà-Gonfaus, Mercè; Cuesta-Vargas, A. (BMJ Open 2018;8:e017211, 2017-12)Introduction Studies had not yet overcome the most relevant barriers to physical activity (PA) adherence. An exercise referral scheme (ERS) with mechanisms to promote social support might enhance ... -
A new model of exercise referral scheme in primary care: is the effect on adherence to physical activity sustainable in the long term? A 15-month randomised controlled trial
Martin-Borràs, Carme; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Puig-Ribera, Anna; Martín-Cantera, Carlos; Solà-Gonfaus, Mercè; Cuesta-Vargas, A. (BMJ Open 2018;8:e017211, 2017-12)Introduction Studies had not yet overcome the most relevant barriers to physical activity (PA) adherence. An exercise referral scheme (ERS) with mechanisms to promote social support might enhance ... -
A socio-ecological approach to reduce the physical activity drop-out ratio in primary care-based patients with type 2 diabetes: the SENWI study protocol for a randomized control trial
Jabardo-Camprubí, Guillem; Bort-Roig, Judit; Donat Roca, Rafel; Milà, Raimon; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè; McKenna, Jim; Puig-Ribera, Anna (Trials, 2022, 23, 842, 2022-10)Background Physical activity (PA) is a key behaviour for patients with type 2 diabetes (T2DM). However, healthcare professionals’ (HCP) recommendations (walking advice), which are short-term and ... -
A study protocol for an experimental study for a pharmaceutical care programme to improve chronic complex disease management: PCAF programme
Torres-Novellas, Berta; Guayta-Escolies, Rafel; Rius, Pilar; Castellà, Amparo; Gascón Lecha, M. Pilar; Modamio, Pilar; Mariño, Eduardo L. (Trends in Medicine, 2020, 21: 1-5, 2020-11)The prevalence of elderly patients with chronic illnesses, associated polypharmacy and a high risk of functional and cognitive impairment has increased in recent years. The care of Complex Chronic ... -
Acupoint transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in hospitalized COPD patients with severe dyspnoea: a randomized controlled trial
Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís (Journal of Evidence-Based Integrative Medicine, 2023, 28: 1-6, 2023-12)ObjectiveTo evaluate the effect of acupuncture transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (acuTENS) on the reduction of dyspnoea during acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ... -
Acupoint transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in hospitalized COPD patients with severe dyspnoea: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi (Trials, 2019, vol. 20, número article 707, 2019-12)Background Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) is a major cause of hospital admissions and dyspnoea is its main symptom. Some studies have concluded that a new modality ... -
Acupuncture techniques for COPD: a systematic review
Fernández-Jané, Carles; Vilaró, Jordi; Fei, Yutong; Wang, Congcong; Liu, Jianping; Huang, Na; Xia, Ruyu; Tian, Xia; Hu, Ruixue; Wen, Lingzi; Yu, Mingkun; Gómara i Toldrà, Natàlia; Solà-Madurell, Mireia; Sitjà i Rabert, Mercè (BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies, 2020, vol. 20, núm. article 138, 2020-05)Background This is the second part of a large spectrum systematic review which aims to identify and assess the evidence for the efficacy of non-pharmacological acupuncture techniques in the treatment ... -
Adherence to the mediterranean lifestyle and desired body weight loss in a mediterranean adult population with overweight: A PREDIMED-Plus Study
Bouzas, Cristina; Bibiloni, Maria del Mar; Julibert, Alicia; Ruiz-Canela, Miguel; Salas Salvadó, Jordi; Corella Piquer, Dolores; Zomeño, Dolors; Romaguera, Dora; Vioque, Jesús; Alonso Gómez, Ángel M.; Wärnberg, Julia; Martínez, José Alfredo; Serra Majem, Lluís; Estruch Riba, Ramon; Tinahones Madueño, Francisco J.; Lapetra, José; Pintó Sala, Xavier; García Rios, Antonio; Bueno-Cavanillas, Aurora; Gaforio, Jose J; Matía Martín, Pilar; Daimiel, Lidia; Martín Sánchez, Vicente; Vidal, Josep; Vázquez, Clotilde; Ros, Emilio; Fernandez-Lazaro, Cesar I.; Becerra-Tomás, Nerea; Gimenez Alba, Ignacio Manuel; Muñoz-Martínez, Júlia; Morey, M.; Oncina Canovas, Alejandro; Tojal Sierra, Lucas; Pérez López, Jessica; Abete, Itziar; Casañas-Quintana, Tamara; Castro-Barquero, Sara; Bernal-López, M. Rosa; Santos Lozano, José Manuel; Galera, Ana; Angullo-Martinez, Escarlata; Basterra-Gortari, Francisco Javier; Basora, Josep; Saiz, Carmen; Castañer, Olga; Martín, Marian; Notario Barandiaran, Leyre; Belló-Mora, María C.; Sayón-Orea, Carmen; García-Gavilán, Jesús; Goday, Alberto; Tur, Josep A. (Nutrients, 2020, 12(7): 2114, 2020-07)Background. Body weight dissatisfaction is a hindrance to following a healthy lifestyle and it has been associated with weight concerns. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the association ... -
Adverse drug events in patients with dementia and neuropsychiatric/behavioral, and psychological symptoms, a one-year prospective study
Mestres Miralles, Concepción; Modamio Charles, Pilar; Junyent, Jaume; Costa-Tutusaus, Lluís; Fernández Lastra, Cecilia; Mariño Hernández, Eduardo L.; Hernández Hernández, Marta (International journal of environmental research and public health, 2019, vol. 16, núm. 6, 2019-03)Older people usually present with adverse drug events (ADEs) with nonspecific symptoms such as cognitive decline, recurrent falls, reduced mobility, and/or major deterioration. The aims of this study ... -
An mHealth Workplace-Based “Sit Less, Move More” Program: Impact on Employees’ Sedentary and Physical Activity Patterns at Work and Away from Work
Bort-Roig, Judit; Chirveches-Pérez, Emilia; Giné-Garriga, Maria; Navarro-Blasco, Lydia; Bausà-Peris, Roser; Iturrioz-Rosell, Pedro; González-Suárez, Angel M.; Martínez-Lemos, Iván; Puigoriol-Juvanteny, Emma; Dowd, Kieran; Puig-Ribera, Anna (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 8844, 2020)Background: Most workplace interventions that aim to reduce sedentary behaviour have 38 focused on employees’ sedentary patterns at-work but less have focused on understanding the 39 impact beyond working ... -
Analysis of gender perspective in the use of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses: a systematic review
Rifà Ros, Rosa; Rodríguez Monforte, Míriam; Carrillo Álvarez, Elena; Barreto-Da Silva, Luana; Pallarès Martí, Àngela; Gasch Gallén, Ángel (Nursing Open, 2022, 10, 1305–1326, 2022-11)Aim To identify, describe and analyse the gender perspective in the use of the diagnoses contained in the NANDA-I taxonomy in observational studies published in the scientific literature. Design and ... -
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Milà, Raimon; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024-02)Background : Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Analysis of the centre of pressure in bipedal stance among individuals with and without intellectual disabilities, individuals with Down syndrome and dancers with Down syndrome
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Gutiérrez-Vilahú, Lourdes; Milà, Raimon; Guerra Balic, Míriam; Oviedo, Guillermo R. (Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 2024, 13 febrer, 2024-02)Background Individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) often present deficiencies in motor, balance and postural control. On the other hand, the practice of physical activity and dance usually ... -
Análisis cinesiológico de un gesto habitual en enfermería: comparación con un gesto alternativo
Massó i Ortigosa, Núria; Rey Abella, Ferran; Germán Romero, Ana; Guitart, Sílvia; Sánchez, Pau (Archivos de Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, vol. 5, núm. 3. p. 83-101, 2002-09)Estudiar cinemática y cinéticamente un gesto habitual en el personal de enfermería y auxiliar de un centro sociosanitario, para identificar riesgos de lesión lumbar. Estudiar cinemática y cinéticamente ... -
Anticholinergic burden and safety outcomes in older patients with chronic hepatitis C: A retrospective cohort study
Amorós-Reboredo, Patrícia; Soy Muner, Dolors; Hernández Hernández, Marta; Lens, Sabela; Mestres Miralles, Concepción (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, vol. 17, núm. 11, 2020-05)Aim: Older patients with chronic hepatitis C infection starting direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) are frequently prescribed multiple medications that may be categorized as inappropriate. Anticholinergic ... -
Anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Martínez Zapata, Mª José; Salvador, Ignacio; Martí Carvajal, Arturo José; Pijoán, José I.; Cordero Rigol, José Antonio; Ponomarev, Dmitry; Kernohan, Ashleigh; Solà, Ivan; Virgili, Gianni (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2023, núm. 3, Art. No.: CD008721, 2023-03)BackgroundProliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is an advanced complication of diabetic retinopathy that can cause blindness. It consists of thepresence of new vessels in the retina and vitreous ... -
Anti‐vascular endothelial growth factor for proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Martínez Zapata, Mª José; Martí Carvajal, Arturo José; Solà, Ivan; Pijoán, José I.; Buil Calvo, José Antonio; Cordero Rigol, José Antonio; Evans, Jennifer R. (Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014, núm. 11, Art. No.: CD008721, 2014-11)Background: Proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) is a complication of diabetic retinopathy that can cause blindness. Although panretinal photocoagulation (PRP) is the treatment of choice for PDR, ...