Now showing items 181-196 of 196

    • In search of the silver-lining 

      Horton, K.E.; Jacobs, G.; Bayerl, P.S.; Gasco-Hernandez, Mila; Rothengatter, M.; Elliott, Karen; Giljohann, Stefanie; Rus, Claudia Lenuta (Public Administration Review, 2025)
      Tensions between police organizations and (community) stakeholders have taken center stage in recent years, with an escalation in protests and divisive rhetoric observed in many countries. Using attribution ...
    • Correction to: Social media disclosure and reputational damage 

      Huan, Xing; Parbonetti, Antonio; Redigolo, Giulia; Zhang, Zhewei (Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 2024)
      The article social media disclosure and reputational damage written by Xing Huan, Antonio Parbonetti, Giulia Redigolo and Zhewei Zhang was originally published Online First without Open Access. After ...
    • Optimizing resource allocation in home care services using MaxSAT 

      Unceta, Irene; Salbanya, Bernat; Coll, Jordi; Villaret, Mateu; Nin, Jordi (Cognitive Systems Research, 2024)
      In large urban areas, enhancing the personal care and quality of life for elderly individuals poses a critical societal challenge. As the population ages and the amount of people requiring assistance ...
    • Competition in schedules with cursed traders 

      Manzano, Carolina; Bayona, Anna (The Journal of Economic Theory, 2024)
      We study a market with sellers that compete in supply functions, face an elastic demand, and have imperfect cost information. In our model, sellers neglect some informational content of the price. In ...
    • The Emergence and Effects of Sponsors for Women Leaders 

      Groschl, Stefan; Gabaldon, Patricia; Hahn, Tobias; Kelan, Elisabeth (Gender, Work & Organization, 2024)
      Sponsoring activities are crucial for women leaders' career advancement. We explore who the sponsors of women are, the nature of their sponsoring activities, and how these activities have influenced ...
    • Business adaptation strategies to climate change 

      Danese, Giuseppe; De Marchi, Valentina (Journal of Cleaner Production, 2024)
      Climate change pressures businesses to adapt, but knowledge on adaptation strategies remains fragmented. This systematic literature review addresses this gap by advancing the adaptation field in three ...
    • Exploring the Implications of Working Conditions for Corporate Sustainability in Last-Mile Delivery Platform Companies 

      Longoni, Annachiara; Salas-Nicás, Sergio; Sancha, Cristina; Sierra, Vicenta; Wiengarten, Frank (Journal of Business Ethics, 2024)
      Last-mile delivery platforms have recently emerged as effective business models to match supply and demand, even though they have been criticized for potentially exploiting their workers. This paper ...
    • A multimethod investigation of the interpersonal effects of leader perfectionism and anger expression on employee psychological safety and creativity 

      Ocampo, Anna Carmella; Li, Quan; Koseoglu, Gamze; Ashkanasy, Neal; Gu, Jun; Wang, Lu (Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024)
      Heightened competition within and across organizations compels leaders to set inflexibly high standards and to demand creative performance from their employees. Considering recent research on the ...
    • Inclusiveness-Efficiency Configurations of Business Interest Associations with Access to Policymakers 

      Albareda, Adrià; Federo, Ryan; Saz-Carranza, Angel (Administration and Society, 2025)
      This article examines the relationship between business interest associations’ (BIAs’) governance configurations and their access to administrative officials and political heads of the European Union. ...
    • Conceptual model for extending electric vehicle battery lifetime 

      Albareda, Laura; Barbiellini, Bernardo; Kainiemi, Laura; Laukkanen, Minttu; Lourenço, Emanuel; Oliveira, Luis; Sara M., Pinto; Quinteros Condoretty, America Rocio (Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2025)
      To maximise the resource efficiency of electric vehicle lithium-ion batteries (LIBs), their lifetimes can be extended through cascading second- and third-life applications. Using expert input, this study ...
    • What works for whom in which circumstances in successful HRM implementation? A realist synthesis 

      Mirfakhar, Atieh S.; Ogbonnaya, Chidiebere; Roodbari, Hamid; Trullen, Jordi; Valverde, Mireia (Journal of Business Research, 2025)
      High-quality HR practices do not always yield positive outcomes due to implementation shortcomings, which has led to the shift in focus from the content of HR practices to their process of implementation. ...
    • Criteria definition for digital requirements using hesitant fuzzy linguistic terms sets: an application to the automotive industry 

      Fronte, Pietro; Agell, Núria; Torrens, Marc; Mesa , Diana (Annals of Operations Research, 2024-12)
      Managing a portfolio of digital products is challenging, particularly in a context of limited economic resources and workforce. Therefore, prioritization of activities and new developments is crucial. ...
    • Industrial districts, multinational corporations, and their local/global paradoxes 

      Carmine, Simone; De Marchi, Valentina; Grandinetti, Roberto (Investigaciones Regionales - Journal of Regional Research, 2024-10)
      Over the past fifteen years, several studies have used the organizational theory of paradoxes to understand some typical organizational tensions, including that between global and local dimensions ...
    • Computer-Supported Strategic Decision Making for Ecosystems Creation 

      Rodriguez Garcia, Patricia; CARRACEDO, PATRICIA; Trullen, Jordi; Juan, Angel A.; Martin, Jon Ander (Computers, 2024-12)
      In the corporate strategy arena, the concept of ecosystems has emerged as a transformative approach to promote competitive advantage, growth, and innovation. Corporate ecosystems enable companies to ...
    • Emotions shape taste perception in a real restaurant environment 

      KAYA, Sandra Sinem; Munk, Rasmus; Prado, Diego ; Quoidbach, Jordi (International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science, 2025-03)
      Can emotions make your drink taste sweeter, bitterer, or more sour? Previous laboratory studies show that incidental emotions – emotions that are unrelated to the situation at hand – can influence taste ...
    • Inscribing Impact: Measurement Practices in the Making of Moral Markets 

      Casasnovas, Guillermo; Hehenberger, Lisa; Papageorgiou, Kyriaki (Journal of Management Studies, 2025-01)
      Moral markets, designed to generate positive impact on pressing social and environ- mental challenges, are transforming traditional market practices by including more than eco- nomic considerations ...