Articles publicats en revistes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 1-20 of 196
Priorización de medidas para la consolidación de la toma de decisiones compartidas en las prestaciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud español
(Gaceta Sanitaria, 2019)Objetivo: Identificar y priorizar, por su relevancia, medidas, intervenciones e instrumentos indispensables para respaldar el establecimiento de un marco estratégico en el Sistema Nacional de Salud ... -
Key aspects of building retrofitting: Strategizing sustainable cities
(Journal of Environmental Management, 2019)Many cities are making efforts to develop an urban transformation strategy in order to transition from traditional cities to sustainable ones. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings, especially ... -
Assessing the risk of default propagation in interconnected sectoral financial networks
(EPJ Data Science, 2019)Systemic risk of financial institutions and sectoral companies relies on their inter-dependencies. The inter-connectivity of the financial networks has proven to be crucial to understand the propagation ... -
Adquisición de competencias a través de juegos serios en el área contable: un análisis empírico
(Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, 2018)El actual sistema de educación superior se basa en un aprendizaje activo por parte del estudiante enfocado al desarrollo de competencias genéricas y específicas. En este contexto muchos autores defienden ... -
Defining a historic football team: Using Network Science to analyze Guardiola’s F.C. Barcelona
(Scientific Reports, 2019)The application of Network Science to social systems has introduced new methodologies to analyze classical problems such as the emergence of epidemics, the arousal of cooperation between individuals or ... -
60 Years of March and Simon’s Organizations: An Empirical Examination of its Impact and Influence on Subsequent Research
(Journal of Management Studies, 2019)We provide an analytic and systematic review of the impact of March and Simon’s seminal Organizations on management research and discuss the book’s value for current research and propose future applications ... -
Analysing the impact of a business intelligence system and new conceptualizations of system use
(Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science, 2019)Purpose: In this study, three models were empirically compared, the DeLone and McLean model, the Seddon model and the Modified Seddon model, by measuring the impact of a business intelligence system ... -
Strategic orientations of nascent entrepreneurs: antecedents of prediction and risk orientation
(Small Business Economics, 2019)Entrepreneurial judgment is crucial for entrepreneurial success. Extant literature argues that prior experience influences entrepreneurial decisions and the identification of attractive decision spaces ... -
A novel architecture to monetize digital offerings
(Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 2018)As commerce continues to shift to the digital domain, organizations respond by improving and evolving their approach to creating value for customers. When the time comes to convert digital anything into ... -
Cataluña y España en la crisis del pacto constitucional: obstáculos para un reconocimiento profundo
(Razón y Fe, 2018)Las relaciones entre Cataluña y España de los últimos años han sido más conflictivas de lo habitual. Dichas relaciones son examinadas aquí desde la perspectiva del reconocimiento profundo. Algunos hitos ... -
Bivariate Volatility Modeling with High-Frequency Data
(Econometrics, 2019)We propose a methodology to include night volatility estimates in the day volatility modeling problem with high-frequency data in a realized generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity ... -
Orchestrating industrial ecosystem in circular economy: A two-stage transformation model for large manufacturing companies
(Journal of Business Research, 2019)Making the transition to a circular economy is an important goal for society and individual companies, particularly in resource-intensive manufacturing industries. Yet the complexity and interdependencies ... -
Does separation hurt? The impact of premature termination of R&D alliances on knowledge acquisition and innovation
(Research Policy, 2020)While there is vast research on alliance formation linked to knowledge acquisition and innovation, research is limited on the impact of alliance termination on these same dimensions. Addressing this gap ... -
La virtualidad de la cuestión de inconstitucionalidad en la protección de los derechos de los particulares
(Anuario Iberoamericano de Justicia Constitucional, 2020)La cuestión de inconstitucionalidad, gracias a la virtuosa colaboración entre la jurisdicción ordinaria y la constitucional, ha sido un eficaz instrumento de depuración del ordenamiento jurídico de las ... -
Consumer Protection on Kickstarter
(Marketing Science, 2020)This article investigates consumer protection on Kickstarter—a popular and sizeable, yet largely unregulated reward-based crowdfunding platform. Specifically, the article focuses on Kickstarter campaigns’ ... -
Value Creation and Value Capture Alignment in Business Model Innovation: A Process View on Outcome-Based Business Models
(Journal of Product Innovation Management, 2020)Industrial manufacturers are innovating their business models by shifting from selling products to selling outcome-based services, where the provider (manufacturer) guarantees to deliver the performance ... -
Risk mitigation in algorithmic accountability: The role of machine learning copies
(PLOS One, 2020)Machine learning plays an increasingly important role in our society and economy and is already having an impact on our daily life in many different ways. From several perspectives, machine learning is ... -
CSR and battered women: Stakeholder engagement beyond salience?
(BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 2020)The use of salience as a tool to determine which stakeholders matter may lead to the marginalization of some stakeholder groups. As a normative theory, salience is problematic because it uproots stakeholder ... -
Data ecosystems for protecting European citizens’ digital rights
(Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 2020)Purpose: This paper aims to spark a debate by presenting the need for developing data ecosystems in Europe that meet the social and public good while committing to democratic and ethical standards; ... -
Persistent Category Ambiguity: The case of social entrepreneurship
(Organization Studies, 2020)Literature on categories recognizes that in the early stages of a category, ambiguity can arise from divergent frames used to define the category. Yet it also largely expects this ambiguity to be either ...