Ara mostrant els elements 1-10 de 30
Más allá del DIY (Do It Yourself)
(Trànsit Projectes. MakerConvent, 2017-01)
The role of modern urban science parks in developing entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems
(Edward Elgar, 2021-04-13)
Chapter 8 highlights how active partnerships among university, industry, and government (Triple Helix) can support the development of urban science parks (USP) as enabling incubation mechanisms for ...
LHCb RICH: Technical Design Report
(CERN, 2000-09-06)
This Technical Design Report is dedicated to Tom Ypsilantis. Tom conceived the Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors for particle identification in LHCb and he made an inestimable contribution to the LHCb ...
LHCb Calorimeters: Technical Design Report
(CERN, 2000-09-07)
LHCb outer tracker: Technical Design Report
(CERN, 2001-09-14)
Global dwelling: Intertwining Research, Community participation and Pedagogy
This book summarizes the work carried out by OIKONET, an Erasmus Network project dedicated to promoting
pedagogic innovation in the field of housing studies which was carried out from 2013 to 2016 with ...
Workshop Can Lis: Porto Petro, Mallorca. 13-25 Agost 2012
(Universitat Ramon Llull. La Salle, 2013)
Fuzzy Logic Control for Multiresolutive Adaptive PN Acquisition Scheme in Time-Varying Multipath Ionospheric Channel
(Intechopen, 2012-03)
Communication with remote places is a challenge often solved using satellites. However, when trying to reach Antarctic stations, this solution suffers from poor visibility range and high operational ...
Estrategias para la regeneración sostenible de asentamientos turísticos en la Costa Mediterránea: 2012-2014. Investigaciones Arquitectura Mediterránea
(Escola Tècnica Superior d’Arquitectura La Salle - Universitat Ramon Llull, 2015)
Esta publicación recoge el fruto de tres años de inves-tigación del grupo IAM de la ETSA La Salle - URL en el marco del proyecto “Estrategias para la regeneración sostenible de asentamientos ...
Experiencia de Usuario en los Serious Games para personas con necesidades de Accesibilidad
(CEAPAT, 2011)
El Departamento de Tecnologías Media (DTM) de La Salle-URL
tiene una importante actividad de I + D + i englobando la mayoría
de los aspectos relativos a las tecnologías media, entre las
cuales el ...