Now showing items 1-20 of 31

    • LHCb RICH: Technical Design Report 

      Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2000-09-06)
      This Technical Design Report is dedicated to Tom Ypsilantis. Tom conceived the Ring Imaging Cherenkov detectors for particle identification in LHCb and he made an inestimable contribution to the LHCb ...
    • LHCb Calorimeters: Technical Design Report 

      Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2000-09-07)
    • LHCb Muon System: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2001-05-28)
    • LHCb VELO (VErtex LOcator): Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2001-05-31)
    • LHCb outer tracker: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2001-09-14)
    • LHCb online system, data acquisition and experiment control: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2001-12-19)
    • LHCb inner tracker: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2002-11-08)
      The LHCb experiment [1] is designed to exploit the large bb production cross section at the LHC in order to perform a wide range of precision studies of CP violating phenomena. The copious production ...
    • LHCb reoptimized detector design and performance: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2003-09-09)
      The LHCb experiment has been conceived to study CP violation and other rare phenomena in B meson decays with very high precision. This should provide a profound understanding of quark flavour physics ...
    • LHCb computing: Technical Design Report 

      Ballabriga Suñé, Rafel; Luengo Álvarez, Sonia; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2005-06-20)
    • Road map for selected key measurements from LHCb 

      Calvo Gomez, Miriam; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2010-02-16)
      Six of the key physics measurements that will be made by the LHCb experiment, concerning CP asymmetries and rare B decays, are discussed in detail. The 'road map' towards the precision measurements is ...
    • Data Mining for Instructional Design, Learning and Assessment 

      Vicent Safont, Lluís; Gumara Rigol, Xavier (E-learning Experiences and Future, 2010-04)
      Statistical analysis is widely used in many different areas: medicine, business, natural and social sciences, and of course, in education. In this last topic, it is common that teachers make simple ...
    • Knight Lore and the third dimension 

      Fonseca, David (Well Played: 2.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning, 2010-12)
      Following on Well Played 1.0, this book is full of in-depth close read-ings of video games that parse out the various meanings to be found in the experience of playing a game. Contributors analyze ...
    • Experiencia de Usuario en los Serious Games para personas con necesidades de Accesibilidad 

      Fonseca, David; Labrador Ruiz de la Hermosa, Emiliano; Pifarré Zaragoza, Marc; Villegas, Eva; Badia Corrons, Anna (Buenas prácticas de accesibilidad en videojuegos, 2011)
      El Departamento de Tecnologías Media (DTM) de La Salle-URL tiene una importante actividad de I + D + i englobando la mayoría de los aspectos relativos a las tecnologías media, entre las cuales el ...
    • Fuzzy Logic Control for Multiresolutive Adaptive PN Acquisition Scheme in Time-Varying Multipath Ionospheric Channel 

      Alsina-Pagès, Rosa Ma; Mateo Segura, Clàudia; Socoró, Joan Claudi; Bergada, Pau (Fuzzy Logic - Controls, Concepts, Theories and Applications, 2012-03)
      Communication with remote places is a challenge often solved using satellites. However, when trying to reach Antarctic stations, this solution suffers from poor visibility range and high operational ...
    • Framework TDR for the LHCb Upgrade: Technical Design Report 

      Abellán, Carlos; Calvo Gomez, Miriam; Domingo Bonal, Francesc; Roselló-Canal, Maria del Mar; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2012-03-25)
      This document is a Framework Technical Design Report for the upgrade of the LHCb experiment. It adds to the information in the Letter of Intent, in particular concerning the foreseen schedule, cost and ...
    • Low Rate High Frequency Data Transmission from Very Remote Sensors 

      Bergada, Pau; Alsina-Pagès, Rosa Ma; Vilella Parra, Carles; Regué, Joan Ramon (Remote Sensing - Advanced Techniques and Platforms, 2012-06)
      This chapter deals with the difficulties of transmitting data gathered from sensors placedin very remote areas where energy supplies are scarce. The data link is established bymeans of the ionosphere, ...
    • Workshop Can Lis: Porto Petro, Mallorca. 13-25 Agost 2012 

      Pascual Fuster, Catalina; Martínez Duran, Anna (2013)
    • LHCb Trigger and Online Upgrade Technical Design Report 

      Calvo Gomez, Miriam; Vilasis-Cardona, Xavier; LHCb Collaboration - CERN (2014-03-21)
      The LHCb experiment will be upgraded between 2018 and 2019 in order to reach unprecedented precision on the main observable of the b and c-quark sectors. This Technical Design Report addresses the ...
    • Gamificación en la Asignatura Diseño y Usabilidad 1 

      Labrador Ruiz de la Hermosa, Emiliano; Villegas, Eva (Ruth S. Contreras Espinosa y Jose Luis Eguia (2016): Gamificación en aulas Universitarias. Bellaterra: Institut de la Comunicació, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona., 2015)
    • Estrategias para la regeneración sostenible de asentamientos turísticos en la Costa Mediterránea: 2012-2014. Investigaciones Arquitectura Mediterránea 

      TERRADAS, ROBERT; Martínez Duran, Anna; Peguero Piquer, Anna; Gordon Guerra, Jordi ; Martín Tost, Xavier (2015)
      Esta publicación recoge el fruto de tres años de inves-tigación del grupo IAM de la ETSA La Salle - URL en el marco del proyecto “Estrategias para la regeneración sostenible de asentamientos ...