Articles publicats en revistes: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 141-160 de 911
Siblings of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities: Quality of life perceptions from Catalonia
(Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 2023, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, p. 192-204, 2023-01)Siblings' interactions and shared experiences influence their perceptions of quality of life. Recently, research about siblings of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities has been ... -
Assessing the Shooting Velocity According to the Shooting Technique in Elite Youth Rink Hockey Players
(Biomechanics, 2023, 3(4), 469-476, 2023-10)This study aimed to report the shooting velocities and to assess the differences in shot velocity according to the techniques used in elite youth male rink hockey players. Fifteen rink hockey players ... -
Exercise-Boosted Mitochondrial Remodeling in Parkinson’s Disease
(Biomedicines 2022, 10, 3228, 2022-12-12)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a movement disorder characterized by the progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons resulting in dopamine deficiency in the striatum. Given the estimated escalation ... -
Investigating the impact of physical activity on mitochondrial function in Parkinson’s disease (PARKEX): Study protocol for A randomized controlled clinical trial
(PLoS ONE 18(11): e0293774, 2023-11-23)Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by the progressive dopaminergic neuron degeneration, resulting in striatal dopamine deficiency. Mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress are associated ... -
Teacher Education beyond the Pandemic in Spain
(Education sciences, 2023, 13(7), 700, 2023-07)In the wake of the pandemic, there has been a clear need to understand the “new normal” contexts of teaching and learning and how they affect teacher education. In order to rethink and reimagine teacher ... -
Proposta d'un model d'avaluació de les competències socials dels alumnes d'educació primària des de l'àrea d'educació física
(Comunicació educativa, 2021, Núm. 34, 2021)Aquest article proposa un model d’avaluació de les competències socials des de l’àrea d’Educació Física. Per a la seva elaboració s’utilitza un disseny ob-servacional nomotètic (diversos participants ... -
Psychological distress, dyadic adjustment and family dynamics after prenatal diagnosis of congenital heart disease
(Anales de pediatría, 97(2022), 179-189, 2022-09)Introduction Congenital heart disease (CHD) is one of the most frequent congenital diseases. When expectant fathers and mothers are informed of a CHD during pregnancy, they have to confront a series ... -
Effects of Wearing a Jaw-repositioning Intra-oral Device in Synchronized Swimming Athletes
(International Journal of Sports Medicine, 2020; 41(12): 839-845, 2020-06)The effects of wearing an intra-oral device on several ventilatory and fatigue markers have been reported for a variety of sports. The quality of the figures performed in synchronized swimming is directly ... -
Effects of Jaw Clenching While Wearing a Customized Bite-Aligning Mouthpiece on Strength in Healthy Young Men
(Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 30(4):p 1102-1110, 2016-04)Recent studies have investigated the ergogenic effects of different types of mouthguards. There is evidence of the benefits of clenching customized mouthpieces on force and power development. The ... -
Acute effects of jaw clenching while wearing a customized bitealigning mouthguard on muscle activity and force production during maximal upper body isometric strength
(Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness, 21(2023), 157-164, 2022-12)Background/Objective: The possible mechanisms supporting the relationship between the masticatory and the musculoskeletal systems have been recently investigated. It has been suggested that jaw clenching ... -
Acute Effects of Wearing Bite-Aligning Mouthguards on Muscular Strength, Power, Agility and Quickness in a Trained Population: A Systematic Review
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 18(13), 6933, 2023-06)The purpose of the present systematic review was to determine the acute effects of wearing bite-aligning mouthguards on muscle strength, power, agility and quickness in athletes. A search of the current ... -
Representaciones matemáticas de niños y niñas de 5-6 años cuando resuelven un problema abierto
(Alteridad, 2022, Vol. 17, Núm. 2, 2022)La resolución de problemas y la representación son dos procesos fundamentales de la actividad matemática. Su desarrollo proporciona una base clave para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en todos los ... -
Higher Running Speed and Cardiovascular Endurance Are Associated with Greater Level of Academic Achievement in Urban Catalan Primary School Children
(Sustainability, 2022, 14(14), 8454, 2022)The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationship between physical fitness and academic achievement in a sample of primary-school children. Data of 116 sixth-grade primary-school students ... -
Adherence to eHealth-Delivered Exercise in Adults with no Specific Health Conditions: A Scoping Review on a Conceptual Challenge
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 10214, 2022)Adherence has emerged as a focal point and critical determinant of success for physical activity interventions. The term is used for both traditional and digital interventions, and for prescribed and ... -
Validez, precisión diagnóstica y fiabilidad del Test de Palabras Parónimas Susurradas para la detección rápida de la presbiacusia
(Revista de Investigación en Logopedia, Vol. 12, Núm. 2, e81057, 2022)El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar la validez, la precisión diagnóstica y la fiabilidad del Test de Palabras Parónimas Susurradas (TPPS) para la detección de presbiacusia. La muestra estuvo ... -
Diseño de un instrumento observacional de base neurocientífica para el análisis del juego libre infantil: Obplay 9-36m
(Bordón, núm. 73(3), 2021, 2021)INTRODUCCIÓN. Los conocimientos actuales en neurociencia indican que el desarrollo del cerebro tiene lugar a lo largo de toda la vida, pero hay periodos sensibles en los que las sinapsis neuronales ... -
Construcción de una escala perceptiva para la evaluación de la calidad de la voz cantada
(Revista electrònica de LEEME, 2022, Núm. 22, 2022)En el marco de la educación vocal cantada el intercambio verbal entre docente y discente, se presenta como el recurso pedagógico más habitual. La selección de los términos de este intercambio, basados ... -
What influences PhD graduate trajectories during the degree: a research-based policy agenda
(Higher Education (2020), 80: 1011-1043, 2020)During the past two decades, PhD graduate numbers have increased dramatically with graduates viewed by governments as a means to advance the knowledge economy and international competitiveness. Concurrently, ... -
The relationship between jumping to conclusions and social cognition in first-episode psychosis
(Schizophrenia 8, 39 (2022), 2022)Jumping to conclusions (JTC) and impaired social cognition (SC) affect the decoding, processing, and use of social information by people with psychosis. However, the relationship between them had not ... -
Calidad de vida, riesgos psicosociales y consumo de alcohol y drogas en los trabajadores de las estaciones de esquí
(Health and addictions/Salud y drogas, 2022, Vol. 22(1), 2022)Este artículo pretende esclarecer sobre el elevado consumo de alcohol y drogas entre los empleados de temporada de las estaciones de esquí, así como las interacciones sociales hedonistas y los estilos ...