Articles publicats en revistes: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 911
Development of Emotional Competences in Higher Education: The Effects of a Self-Leadership Program from a Dexplis Design
(Educar, 2022, Vol. 58/1, p. 35-51, 2022)Research on emotional competence development (ECD) in university students is scarce and shows mixed results. This research establishes what is possible to expect from an optional self-leadership program ... -
Relationship between Performance and Inter-Limb Asymmetries Using Flywheel Resistance Device in Elite Youth Female Basketball Players
(Biology, 2022)The purposes of this study were to quantify inter-limb asymmetries from unilateral jumps, change of direction (COD) speed, and flywheel resistance skill tests and to examine their relationship with ... -
Consideración crítica de las adicciones digitales
(Digital Education Review, 39 (2021), 2021)Este trabajo propone un análisis crítico de las adicciones tecnológicas y se centra, especialmente, en las redes sociales, el móvil y los videojuegos. El uso de las redes sociales no responde al patrón ... -
Reducción de daños asociados al consumo de drogas inyectadas y uso del teléfono móvil: potencialidades de desarrollo de aplicaciones MSalud en población clínica
(Psicosomática y psiquiatría, núm. 20 (2022), 2022)Introducción: Las personas que se inyectan drogas son una de las poblaciones más vulnerables atendidas en los servicios de tratamiento de las adicciones a drogas y de reducción de daños asociados a su ... -
The Prayers of Evocatio and Devotio: Between Religious Ritual and Roman Law
(Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. 60 (3-4), 399-416, 2021)This paper, which is a work in progress and a continuation of previous articles that were published on the Roman concepts of evocatio and devotio, will explore a new approach: the juridical context ... -
Temporal trend of cardiorespiratory endurance in urban Catalan high school students over a 20 year period
(PeerJ, 8:e10365, 2020)Background Physical fitness is considered an important indicator of health in adolescents. However, in recent years several studies in the scientific literature have shown a considerable lower trend and ... -
Therapeutic Alliance in Online and Face-to-face Psychological Treatment: Comparative Study
(JMIR Mental Health, Vol.9(5):e36775, 2022, 2022)Background: Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of online mental health treatments have grown exponentially. Additionally, it seems inevitable that this technical resource is here to stay at health ... -
Incidents crítics i perfils identitaris d'assessors acadèmics a Colòmbia: anàlisi de casos
(Àmbits de Psicopedagogia i Orientació, Núm. 56 (3a època), 2022)Aquest article té com a objectiu descriure els incidents crítics d'un grup d'assessors acadèmics, els seus perfils identitaris i experiències d'aprenentatge pel que fa als incidents crítics afrontats ... -
Fuzzy Cognitive Maps as a Tool for Identifying Cognitive Conflicts That Hinder the Adoption of Healthy Habits
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19,1411, 2022)Implementing healthy lifestyle habits can take a great effort and sticking to such prescriptions is complicated. Failure rates amongst people seeking to adopt a healthier diet are estimated to be around ... -
An mHealth Workplace-Based “Sit Less, Move More” Program: Impact on Employees’ Sedentary and Physical Activity Patterns at Work and Away from Work
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17, 8844, 2020)Background: Most workplace interventions that aim to reduce sedentary behaviour have 38 focused on employees’ sedentary patterns at-work but less have focused on understanding the 39 impact beyond working ... -
Tareas profesionales en la formación de maestros de educación infantil: promoviendo el razonamiento en 0-3
(Acta Scientiae, Núm. 23, Vol. 7 (2021), 2021)La formación de docentes en todos los niveles ha sido objeto de estudio permanente en las últimas décadas, sin embargo, en el caso de la Educación Infantil, se han realizado pocas investigaciones para ... -
STEAM en Educación Infantil. Una visión desde las matemáticas
(Didacticae. Núm. 10 (2021), 2021)Este artículo revisa diferentes propuestas STEAM para Educación Infantil, con el objetivo de analizar el papel que juegan en ellas las matemáticas. Se organizan las propuestas en tres grupos de actividades: ... -
Influence of the Amount of Instability on the Leg Muscle Activity During a Loaded Free Barbell Half-Squat
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020, 17(21), 8046, 2020)This study aimed to understand the acute responses on the muscular activity of primary movers during the execution of a half-squat under different unstable devices. Fourteen male and female high-standard ... -
Cuéntame la historia de tus abuelos: Ciencias Sociales, Matemáticas y Lengua en el grado de Educación Primaria
(Didacticae, Núm. 11 (2022), 2022)A veces las oportunidades aparecen cuando los docentes compartimos lo que ha-cemos. Así empieza nuestra experiencia y la experiencia de nuestros alumnos. A principio del curso 2019-20 tres docentes que ... -
Developing and Testing the Populi Needle Exchange Point Finder: An App to Reduce Harm Associated With Intravenous Drug Consumption Among Homeless and Non-homeless Drug Users
(Frontiers in Public Health, 2020, vol. 8, Article 493321, 2020)The spread of viral infections remains a serious public health problem. People who inject drugs represent one of the highest-risk groups. eHealth and mHealth have been shown to be effective in improving ... -
The Effect of Eight-Week Functional Core Training on Core Stability in Young Rhythmic Gymnasts: A Randomized Clinical Trial
(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19, 3509, 2022)Abstract: It is suggested that core stability (CS) might improve rhythmic gymnasts’ performance. Nevertheless, the effect of core stability training (CST) in CS performance is not clear. Purpose: ... -
Measuring Changes in Social Skills Throughout an Intervention Program for Children with ASD, Contributions from Polar Coordinate Analysis
(Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2022)The demand of social skills interventions for people with ASD has grown in recent years. The main goal of this research was to study social skills: “responding to interaction” and “initiating interaction”, ... -
Relationship between Inter-Limb Asymmetries and Physical Performance in Rink Hockey Players
(Symmetry, 12, 2035, 2020)The magnitude of inter-limb asymmetries has been reported in several studies in different team sports but only some of them have analysed their effects on sports performance. The main purpose of this ... -
A Mixed Methods Framework for Psychoanalytic Group Therapy: From Qualitative Records to a Quantitative Approach Using T-Pattern, Lag Sequential, and Polar Coordinate Analyses
(Frontiers in Psychology, 2020, Vol. 11, Article 1922, 2020)Conducted within a mixed methods framework, this study focuses on the conversationfacilitation role of a lead therapist during group psychotherapy with adolescents. Conversation is an essential component ... -
Impacto de la enseñanza musical en las competencias lingüísticas y matemáticas: estudio comparativo en una escuela de educación primaria
(Dedica. Revista de Educaçao e Humanidades, Num. 19, 2021, 431-451, 2022)Este estudio tiene por objetivo analizar el impacto de la Enseñanza Musical (programa equivalente al grado elemental de música) en la mejora de las competencias lingüísticas y matemáticas del alumnado ...