Students' perception of their participative role in the university
Other authors
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Students are at the core of the University's education mission. Therefore, in addition to their academic
performance, they must also be responsible for building their university and social communities. This
suggests that students’ participation in university life is a key element in their education, but frequently
it remains at a symbolic level. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the meaning and significance
that students attach to their active involvement in university life, identifying their interests, needs and
difficulties in taking on such a role. The results derive from the application of a 60-item questionnaire
answered by students from diverse courses at the University Ramon Llull in Barcelona, and from a focus
group conducted with these students’ representatives. Following the analysis of these data, we suggest
several factors that can enhance students’ involvement in priority areas such as information and
communication, internal participation and external representation, personal achievement and training.
Document Type
Published version
Educació universitària
Participació dels estudiants
19 p.
Info Invest, Bulgaria
Is part of
Journal of International Scientific Publication: Educational Alternatives, 2013, Vol. 11, Part 1
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