Perceptions of students and teachers about democratic student participation and representation at university
Other authors
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This article analyzes similarities and differences between the perception of students and teachers
concerning different fields of university participation and representation, with the aim of contributing
with suggestions for improvement that promote students’ involvement, which at present we consider to
be scarce. A five-dimension questionnaire was created and applied to 374 students and 65 teachers from
Ramon Llull University in Barcelona; a focus group was carried out with student representatives; and
the degree course directors were interviewed. Results show significant differences concerning:
information and communication; consideration of participation as a dimension of university quality;
role of the university as a promoter of participatory processes; motivation and satisfaction for
participating; training of representatives and external image of the university. We conclude with
proposals for improvement concerning effective communication, internal representation, and external
Document Type
Published version
Participació dels alumnes
Estudiants universitàries
Ensenyament universitari
22 p.
The International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS)
Is part of
The International Journal of Arts & Sciences, 2017, Vol. 10, Núm. 1
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