Recerca: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 621-640 de 3399
Linking Personality Traits and Most Valued Aspects in a Job to Reduce the Gap between Students´ Expectations and Company Value Propositions
(Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 2022-10-04)Minimizing the gap between students’ expectations and company value propositions is essential to improve the professional development of students, reduce turnover and foster organizational commitment, ... -
Discover, Reflect, and Live. A Tailored, Active, and Transversal Learning Approach to Develop Relevant Hospitality Competencies
(Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Education, 2023-04-26)Ensuring that learning outcomes align with employer expectations has always been a concern, but it is becoming more critical due to globalization, technological advancements, and diversity in student ... -
Optimizing sustainable, affordable and healthy diets and estimating the impact of plant-based substitutes to milk and meat: A case study in Spain
(Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 424: 138775, 2023-09)The global food system is failing to appropriately nourish the population and has been identified as a driving force for environmental degradation. Changing current diets to healthier and more sustainable ... -
Women, sport and francoism in Catalonia: perceptions of sportswomen from the early yearsof the dictatorship (1939–1961)
(European Journal for Sport and Society, 21(1), 68–85., 2023-09)This research delves into the lives and perspectives of women who embraced physical and sporting pursuits in Catalonia during the tumultuous post-war era and the early years of the Franco dictatorship ... -
Discourses on racism in families with school-aged children
(Journal of Peace Education, 19(3), 303–329, 2022-11)Unfortunately, racism is a kind of violence present in current societies that embodies an attitude opposed to the culture of peace. In this scenario, the family has a relevant role to contribute to the ... -
Las familias ante problemáticas actuales que plantean sus hijos e hijas
(Rainha Pereira, E., Vergara Arboleda, M., Cáceres Muñoz, J., Jiménez Hernández, A., Sánchez Martín, M. (2021). Construyendo juntos una escuela para la vida. Dykinson, 2021)El objetivo estudiar si el estilo de crianza, junto con algunas características sociodemográficas del entorno familiar del chico, se relacionan con los problemas escolares y las habilidades adaptativas ... -
Football, Dance, Dolls and Toy Cars: Comparative Analysis Between Switzerland and Spain in Relation to Gender Stereotypes Among Primary School Pupils
(Gilles, J.L. (2017). Linking Research and Training in Internationalization of Teacher Education with the PEERS Program: Issues, Case Studies and Perspectives. Peter Lang, 2017)Carried out in the context of a PEERS project between Lausanne and Barcelona, the aim of this study was to compare the place of gender stereotypes among young pupils educated in Swiss and Spanish ... -
De un monolingüismo a(l) otro. Sobre el mesianismo de la lengua en Derrida y Lacan
(Isegoría. Revista de Filosofía moral y política, 2024-07-09)Este artículo relaciona el pensamiento de Jacques Derrida con el de Jacques Lacan centrándose en determinados aspectos de sus respectivas obras. Sostengo que el concepto lacaniano de lalengua (lalangue), ... -
Electrostatic Coating of Viral Particles for Gene Delivery Applications in Muscular Dystrophies: Influence of Size on Stability and Antibody Protection
(Journal of Neuromuscular Diseases, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 815-825, 2021-09-14)Background:Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is one of the most common muscular dystrophies, caused by mutated forms of the dystrophin gene. Currently, the only treatment available is symptoms management. ... -
A comparison of European countries FBDG in the light of their contribution to tackle diet-related health inequalities
(European Journal of Public Health, 2020, 30(2): 346-353, 2019-08)Background: The purpose of this article is to report on a comparative analysis of the official food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) that were applicable in 2015 in 25 EU Member States. We assess FBDG ... -
Women, Football, and Francoism: Lesbians and the Formation of Social Networks through Women’s Football in Barcelona, 1970–1979
(The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37(1–2), 94–112, 2020-02)The main aim of this article is to analyse the appearance of women’s football in Spain in the 1970s and to show the links between the sport and the creation of a lesbian community in the city of Barcelona. ... -
Dos veces invisibles, dos veces clandestinas. Fútbol y lesbianismo en España durante los años de la transición democrática (1970-1982)
(Materiales para la Historia del Deporte, Núm. 24(2023), 2023)Este artículo tiene como objetivo fundamental analizar la relación entre el fútbol femenino y el lesbianismo durante la década de 1970 en España, así como las características de invisibilidad de este ... -
Radio y nacionalismo iconográfico en México: la negociación discursiva de una identidad maya
(Signo y pensamiento, vol. 27, núm. 53, 2008, 2008)Durante la mayor parte del siglo xx, la radio ha ayudado a difundir un discurso nacionalista en el proceso de formación del Estado Mexicano. En la Península de Yucatán, tres radios gubernamentales ... -
El triunfo de la sinrazón en la era Trump: Sobre la teoría de la aguja hipodérmica y el poder de las redes sociales
(Jurado, Montserrat, Cáceres, Maria Dolores. La mirada mediática. Una revisión de la actualidad desde las Teorías de la Comunicación, 2023) -
Transparencia, 'accountability' y confianza del público en el periodismo y los medios en la era digital
(Actas del VI Congreso Internacional de la AE-IC, Comunicación y Conocimiento. Libro de comunicaciones., 2018)Los medios de comunicación han afrontado su proceso de transformación digital en medio de una crisis de confianza por parte de los usuarios. Esta crisis se ha traducido en una pérdida de ingresos ... -
The Pro-Independence Movement in Catalonia: Impact on the International Agenda and Media Pluralism
(Susana Belenguer, Nicola Brady. Pulling Together or Pulling Apart?, 2019)This chapter analyses the media coverage of the Catalan pro-independence movement, focusing on its impact on the media agenda and on the pluralism of the coverage. Adopting both a quantitative and ... -
Calidad periodística, confianza y blockchain
(J. Marqués-Pascual i M. Sintes-Olivella (eds.). Blockchain y periodismo. Cómo la cadena de bloques cambiará los media., 2020) -
Praising the fallen heroes: Storytelling in US war presidential rhetoric, from Johnson to Obama
(Language and Literature, vol. 27, núm. 4, 2018, 2018)This paper analyses the use of storytelling by United States presidents in their war speeches, from the Vietnam War to the War on Terror. The study proposes a dual concept of storytelling in political ... -
First alongside midwifery led unit in a high complexity public hospital in Spain: maternal and neonatal outcomes
(Women and Birth, 2024, 37(3): 101577, 2024-01)Problem Midwifery led units are rare in Spain. Background Midwife-Led Care (MLC) is a widely extended model of care and, within this, the alongside midwifery-led units (AMLU) are those hospital-based ...