The role of modern urban science parks in developing entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystems
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Chapter 8 highlights how active partnerships among university, industry, and government (Triple Helix) can support the development of urban science parks (USP) as enabling incubation mechanisms for innovative startups. The chapter presents a conceptual framework that combines theoretical lenses of Triple Helix, Knowledge-Based Urban Development, Clusters of Innovation, and Lifecycle of a New Venture, which aims at improving the current understanding of how USP’s evolve, and how the role of TH agents change over the lifecycle of USPs. Application of the framework is illustrated by a comparative case study of two prominent USPs, 22@Barcelona (Spain) and Porto Digital in Recife (Brazil).
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Materias (CDU)
3 - Ciencias sociales
332 - Economía regional y territorial. Economía del suelo y de la vivienda
65 - Gestión y organización. Administración y dirección de empresas. Publicidad. Relaciones públicas. Medios de comunicación de masas
71 - Urbanismo. Paisajismo, parques y jardines
Palabras clave
Triple Helix
Science parks
Kknowledge-based urban development
Clusters of innovation
Porto Digital
Triple Hèlix
Parcs científics
Desenvolupament Urbà Basat en el Coneixement
Clústers d'innovació
20 p.
Publicado por
Edward Elgar
Publicado en
Handbook of Research on Business and Technology Incubation and Acceleration (p. 140–159)
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