Transforming Event Experiences: The Role of Application Technology in Shaping Behavioral Intentions and Attachment to Places
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This study develops an integrated model that investigates the impact of app technology on event experiences and subsequent consumer behaviors—place attachment, affective commitment, and behavioral intentions. In the context of sports tourism events, data were collected from 219 international participants during the 12th Transpyr race in 2022. Results suggest that perceived usefulness, information value, and perceived enjoyment are drivers of users' app satisfaction, though perceived ease of use did not directly impact app satisfaction. App satisfaction positively impacted event experiences, fostering place attachment, behavioral intention (intention to participate, word-of-mouth, electronic word-of-mouth), and affective commitment. Affective commitment also influenced behavioral intentions positively, unlike place attachment. This study extends the tourism and consumer behaviors literature. It also presents a new perspective on the TAM model by measuring the users' online experience and its impact on the event experience. Additionally, it provides event organizers with guidelines for building successful experiences.
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Materias (CDU)
338 - Situación económica. Política económica. Gestión, control y planificación de la economía. Producción. Servicios. Turismo. Precios
Palabras clave
affective commitment
app technology
event experience
place attachment
sport consumer behavior
13 p.
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International Journal of Tourism Research. 2024;26(5):e2782
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